Divine Secrets of the Blog-Blog Sisterhood

the not-very-official blog of the sisters formerly known as rosche

Sunday, June 12, 2005

Family Disunion

The Bogajski family reunion was yesterday. I think maybe the name should be changed to the Harmon family reunion. Everyone who shows up besides the few of us that are Grandma's descendants is a Harmon. And man were the Harmon boys obnoxious this year. Well, Troy and Corey. Jimmy didn't show up because he had race tickets. Typical. Dale married and got out of the house early enough that he is just about normal.

I broke my little toe getting ready in the morning. Brando ralphed in the car on the way up. Steve was sick as a dog from partying with old friends the night before, and went back to the car within about 30 minutes of our arrival, leaving me to contend with Troy and Corey and their asinine put-downs. To top it all off, Lonnie arrived with Daisy, who, being off leash immediately charged excitedly into Sara's face, who thought she was being attacked and couldn't run away because she was leashed so therefore tried to "defend" herself by taking Daisy's ear off. She managed only a small chunk, but it wouldn't stop bleeding.

So, I was there just long enough to be thoroughly miserable, and to make sure at least a few others were as well. Hey - why not spread it around?


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