Happy Birthday Adrian
This Day in History -
1918 - World War 1 Ends with the Allies and Germany signing the armistice agreement at 5 a.m. in a railroad car outside CompiƩgne, France.
1933 - A massive dust storm sweeps South Dakota. Within two days, dust from the South Dakota storm had reached all the way to Albany, New York. The cause of the Dust Bowl is still unclear. Widespread drought-which killed crops and turned the topsoil into a light powder-was undoubtedly a factor. However, some have argued that the farmers played their part by replacing native grasses with wheat and less hardy crops.
1942 - The Road to Morocco premieres starring Bob Hope, Bing Crosby, and Dorothy Lamour, opens. The comedy was the third of seven Road pictures, which brought fame and fortune to its actors.
1988 - In the wee hours of the morning at 8 lbs. 15 oz, a not so little darling baby boy was born, soon to be the terror of elementary school teachers everywhere. Now at 6' 5" and growing he has successfully defied his Nana's prediction that he would be short "just like your Grandpa", and has long ago surpassed his first goal in life - to grow taller than his father.
Happy Birthday Adrian! Sorry I can't get you your Lamborghini. Maybe next near :)
Happy Birthday Adrian!Hope you enjoy your day!
Happy Belated Birthday Adrian! Day late and a dollar short like usual.
I can't believe you are that tall, what size shoe do you wear?
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