Divine Secrets of the Blog-Blog Sisterhood

the not-very-official blog of the sisters formerly known as rosche

Thursday, November 03, 2005

How is everyone?

Okay, now I get it. I was entering the blog thru a different pathway and it did not have the picture icon. Well, since I am here, I might as well tell everyone how I am doing. I just got my progress report and I am doing well in school-A in P.E. and a B+ to an A in Spanish. I just got my TB test done (negative, of course) and that almost clears me to volunteer at Chela's school. Now I have to submit to a background check by the Sheriff's dept. Guess they can't be too carefull nowadays with all the abuse that's going on in the world. Today is so beautiful. I took a ride up by the beach and it was awesome. I want to work in Manhattan Beach. Actually I would like to live there too-but I am being realistic as we could never afford the rent/mortgage. Anyway How is everyone? Are you finished with your Halloween candy or did you have to put some of it in the freezer? What's good about Chela's school is that they have a candy donation program where you give your excess candy to be put in lunches for the homeless thru the salvation army. Pretty cool. Well, I have to go do something productive. I've been too long on this computer! BYE Y'All



Blogger Lisa said...

Oh no, they are going to find out about your 62 felonies! :D I agree than Manhattan Beach is beautiful. It is also expensive, the parking sucks, and the meter maids are voracious, but it is still beautiful. The kids still have half of their Halloween candy. Lea Anna will open a piece, take a bite, set it down, then repeat the process with another. Daniel is no fool, he eats all his except for the sour candies. He tries to pawn that off on Sis.

Thu Nov 03, 04:25:00 PM 2005  
Blogger Teresa said...

Manhattan Beach is my favorite town around there. If I win the lottery, that's where I'm moving. Y'all can come, too. Of course, ya got to play to win, so that might be a problem for me.

I bought one huge bag of Halloween candy and it was gone within an hour and I didn't eat a bite. Kids were already at the door within five minutes of my arrival home from work. I rushed to the front door, ripping the bag open as I went. It wasn't cooperating, and then all of a sudden the whole thing came open. I thought I'd managed to contain it, but after I finished with the lot of trick-or-treaters at my door and turned around, KiKi was licking up chocolate crumbs from the living room carpet! Thank God it was only one fun-sized 100 Grand bar or I would have had to make her vomit 'cause chocolate is toxic to dogs.

Thu Nov 03, 06:42:00 PM 2005  
Blogger Lisa said...

Adrian, you are going about your beach adventures all wrong. The first thing you do is buy a HUGE bag of cheap potato chips. As you travel across the sands staking out your perfect spot for your picnic (with the potato chip bag open and ready), scan the crowds for an unwilling victim 15 yards or so away from your intended spot. Ideally the victim will be someone evil who did some dastardly deed like run over your foot with his bike as you crossed the strand. Then you "accidentally" stumble and spill your entire bag of chips next to them as you walk by. By the time you get your blanket laid out and your lunch ready the super pooping seagulls will be swarming elsewhere, thus you will be able to eat your sandwich in peace, and enjoy the show next to you at the same time.

Sat Nov 05, 04:46:00 AM 2005  
Blogger Teresa said...

Lisa, you are truly devious. You go, girl!

Adrian, your mom's plan sounds like a good - and fun - way to confront your seagullophobia.

Sat Nov 05, 09:48:00 AM 2005  
Blogger Suzanne said...

I feel for you, I still remember the movie " The Birds". We have alot of geese by the lake and they are scary, very aggresive. One time they chased me into my car. I got mad and got out and started throwing rocks by them to scare them away. I even had one of them walk in front of my big truck, look at me and hiss.

Sun Nov 13, 04:00:00 AM 2005  

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