Here Is Your Freaking Tiger Adrian
I was going to wait until I acquired some halfway decent photography skills before I posted any more photos. Since that day is a long way off and my cutesy little meercats were not gory enough for Adrian here's the elephant and tiger pictures as requested. Sorry Son, the elephants are not trampling anyone or the tiger isn't chewing off anyone's limbs but the brownish red lump she is licking on is the blood popsicle I mentioned a few days ago. Does that make it any better? The tiger is a white Bengal (due to a recessive gene - she's not a true albino, she doesn't have the pink eyes), and is absolutely gorgeous up close. This photo does not do her justice. Ta Ta! I'm off to the living room to watch Shrek with Lea Anna for the 500th time this week.
Hey, guess what we're having for dessert if y'all come for Christmas?
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