Divine Secrets of the Blog-Blog Sisterhood

the not-very-official blog of the sisters formerly known as rosche

Friday, November 18, 2005

The Inevitable...

Well...I've decided to get a tattoo.

I figure that not only will I have some cool ink, but I'm hoping I'll get over my fear of needles. I'm not gonna get anything big...like a sleeve or something (I can't afford one anyway). I'm gonna get a barcode on my arm. (Maybe my wrist 'cause I can always hide it at work with a bracelet or watch.) I figure if I can endure that I'll get another small one (like, an itty-bitty heartagram on my other wrist...or something). I'm not totally sure what my 3rd one would be, but I like the idea of a bat with SOB (Save Our Bats!) under it...in support of bat conservation.

That's only if I survive the 1st tattoo though...I have to have my friend, Emerald, go with me because I'm a big chicken... Someone's gonna have to pin me to the chair.


Blogger Lisa said...

It's amazing that you can still give me more grey hairs from over 2000 miles away. If you are going to mar your perfectly toned skin, can you at least get something other than a barcode? Just remember, they are a hell of a lot easier to put on than remove and you'll be walking around with something that's akin to the concentration camps or the mark of the beast for years - even when you are an old wrinkly woman.

Fri Nov 18, 05:03:00 PM 2005  
Blogger Teresa said...

If you must do it, yeah, a heart...where you can hide it if you need to. Jazzmin, you will so regret a bar code down the road. Do you really want to feel like a can of Del Monte green beans?

Fri Nov 18, 06:17:00 PM 2005  
Blogger Scarecrobot said...

AS A MATTER OF FACT.... It will NOT be a barcode from a food item... if I stick with the barcode it'll be from a CD...and I'll cost $19.99...plus tax...

Sat Nov 19, 01:40:00 AM 2005  
Blogger Lisa said...

I'm with Teresa on the heart. But hey, if you want a barcode it's your skin Del Monte Girl. Make sure they sterilize the needles first. They all say they do, but it doesn't mean they really will in practice. Hepatitis C sucks.

Sat Nov 19, 03:15:00 AM 2005  
Blogger Teresa said...

Yeah, and you and Emerald will be the ONLY ones who think "CD" instead of "Del-Mon-Tee" when you look at the tattoo.

Sat Nov 19, 12:15:00 PM 2005  

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