Divine Secrets of the Blog-Blog Sisterhood

the not-very-official blog of the sisters formerly known as rosche

Sunday, December 04, 2005

All I Want for Christmas

There are 21 shopping days left until Christmas, so if any of you hit the mega lottery I'll make it easy for you to share the wealth with your beloved Sis:

1. An '05 Mustang GT (Of course I wouldn't turn down a Shelby Cobra or a Harley Sportster either)
2. A volume control and a pause button installed on Daniel and Lea Anna
3. More sleep
4. The complete removal of the song "Free Bird" from American society
5. Ditto for any rap music - especially gangsta rap
6. A maid
7. Nonfat Bacon that actually tastes like bacon
8. A federal law passed that reaffirms Christmas as a religious celebration with all Americans (including schools and government agencies) having the RIGHT to celebrate openly and also ban anyone from calling Christmas trees "holiday trees".
9. The end of world hunger. Tennesseans could do a lot towards this - look at our waistlines!
10. World Peace

What's on Y'alls wish list? I purchased a lottery ticket on a whim yesterday. You never know, I might win something this time instead of just adding to lottery CEO Rebecca Paul's year end bonus.


Blogger Teresa said...

Ah, good question Lisa. And an interesting wish list you have there. I'm not sure how to get some of the things on it, though. I do know how to fashion a "pause button" out of duct tape, however ; )

Since you asked, my Christmas wish list:

1. Ryan gets to come home.
2. David doesn't have to go to Iraq or anywhere else they hate Americans.
3. Peace for the Iraqi people.
4. A bottomless iTunes account.
5. A landscaper.
6. A "forever" home for KiKi.
7. Sara overcomes her fear/anxiety problems.
8. Enough energy to counteract feeling overwhelmed all the time.
9. A Honda Element so I can ride around with my doggies without squishing them into the Integra Hatchback where they press their noses against the glass and look at me like, "Help! Mommy! Let me out of here!"
10. Most of all, I want to find my "special purpose" (to quote Steve Martin's character in "The Jerk"). I somehow doubt I was put on this earth to write annual reports and do the odd Web site for companies that have to satisfy increasing shareholder and corporate greed. Ugh.

Sun Dec 04, 05:54:00 AM 2005  
Blogger Lisa said...

Ah, duct tape - Mommy's little helper. And ditto on your Christmas wishes, especially about David and Ryan.

Sun Dec 04, 06:17:00 AM 2005  
Blogger Lisa said...

Yo Fish-kicker! I suppose you want the real deal on the death star set up, not a ToyRUs version? Like anyone would ever give a teenage boy that much fire power!

Mon Dec 05, 03:22:00 AM 2005  
Blogger Teresa said...

Hey, I'm adding a light saber to my list since Adrian put extra items. Yes, I do need a real one. I don't want to hurt anyone with it. I just want to feel the power. Mwah-mwah-sksh-sksh! Okay, okay, I'll put it away. Shoowm!

Mon Dec 05, 08:24:00 PM 2005  
Blogger Lisa said...

Me too! I want a light sabre! This wood needs cutting. Sksh! Sksh! You cut me off in traffic. Sksh! Sksh! Shwoom! You cut in front of me in the express check out with 13 items and payed by check. Mwahahaha -- SHWOOM!

Fri Dec 09, 03:47:00 AM 2005  
Blogger Teresa said...

You never said you wanted a light saber, oh Kicker of Fish. And we are the moms and if we both want to have light sabers we can. Now go to your room, young Skywalker ; )

Sat Dec 10, 07:49:00 PM 2005  
Blogger Teresa said...

Hmmm...I wonder if you could get that by airport security? I'd love to play with it!

Mon Dec 12, 12:19:00 PM 2005  
Blogger Teresa said...


Mon Dec 12, 08:42:00 PM 2005  

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