Nice to See You
I would like everyone to get their photo in their profile. I am going to try to figure out a way to make each person's photo appear by their name in the "About Us" section on the home page. For now they just appear next to any comments you leave, which is better than nothing.
For the sake of good design they should all be the same size (75 pixels square) and format (black & white). Also, making them all black and white has the benefits of 1) making them all have a uniform appearance despite being shot in a variety of settings, and 2) making us all appear much better looking than we really are! I went through photos I have and created some for a few of our profiles. I should be able to do some for David and Ryan since I have photos for both, but it might be another week before I can get to it. If you don't like your photo, feel free to use a different one that is 75 x 75 and black & white, or send me another to edit down and convert.
You'll have to edit your own profile to add the photo since each user can access only their profile. If you look about a third of the way down the page on the "Edit Profile" form you'll see a heading that says "Photograph" and a box labeled "Photo URL." Paste the link to your photo into that box and click the "Save Profile" button at the bottom of the page and it will be added.
Here are links to what I have:
I'm pretty sure the pictures you have of me suck, but there ain't to much I can do about that... It's gonna be a good lil bit before I get my DA photo done, and the glamour shots they do on post take a couple weeks to get back (not to mention the "don't ask, don't tell" theme they all seem to have). A kill's a kill, though, right?
Aw, c'mon...I have some really good shots of you, pretty boy. What's a DA photo, BTW?
I actually conformed my photo for you Aunt Teresa...well...almost... My picture wouldn't look as fabulous if I made it too small...
I noticed you switched it to B&W. Looks great. However, I beg to differ with you, missy: it would look even MORE fabulous at 75 x 75 because I would make it 75px high and crop the left side off, enabling everyone to see more of your gorgeous mug.
If you have the original, e-mail it to me and I'll show you what I'm talking about. And don't worry - only you can change your profile photo so if you don't like it, don't use it.
I'm still low tech. I have no scanner or digital camera, but as soon as I get a photo that doesn't look too scary I'll figure out a way to work around it.
See the Shutterfly post for a good solution to not having a digital setup.
You can mail them your rolls of film, they'll develop them and post them to the Web and voila! - digital pictures. You can also order prints for a reasonable price.
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