Divine Secrets of the Blog-Blog Sisterhood

the not-very-official blog of the sisters formerly known as rosche

Thursday, October 20, 2005


Tuesday in my american government class we had 2 guest speakers One was the crypt keepers wife, who spoke about the importance of college. It was really boring since I've heard the same speech since 7th grade. Once the teacher left for a moment, she went on a quick mini-rant about how the military doesn't help you at all and how its a lie and they'd never really pay for your college. The reason that she had to wait for the teacher to leave was becau Ms.C (Short for Crockam, everyone calls her Ms. C because no one could spell her name right.) is a loading captian in the airforce (the only black female one which she proudly braggs about alot) and used the GI bill to help get into college. The other one was a NAVY recruiter who talked about the ASVAB test. For those who dont know its a test that checks out what careers you'd be good or bad at basically. The cateories they test you in are General science, Arithmetic reasoning, mathematics knowledge, word knowledge, paragraph comprehension, electronics info, auto and shop info, and mechanical comprehension. I did pretty good in gen science, excellent in word knowlledge and paragraph comp as well as mechanical comp. I did o.k. in electronics info but where I really dropped the ball is math knowledge and arithmetic reasoning because frankly,I am math retarted. I also did pretty badly in Auto and shop info because I dont know how the hell a car works, all I know is gas makes it go, brakes make it stop, and big engine = big horse power. After the test they printed out personal dog tags. The people that were monitoring the tests were all military recruiters from all military branches --except coast guard, so once I got out the test room freinds bombarded me with so many draft jokes it compared to the devistation that godzilla brought to tokyo. We also got some sweet NAVY mouse pads and ARMY coffe mugs (both of which I sadly left in my 6th period classroom and more than likely will never see agian.) I saw Mr. Griffin in the hallway and stopped him, and asked if he reported mr. Vela ( a.k.a. ignorant-racist-jackass, schmuk of a teacher) and he did, and Vela was once agian fired today. The navy recruiter is stationed at the crenshaw plaza, a short bus ride from my house so this weekend I'm going to go visit him and try to get info on how I can possibly become a pilot in the navy, the only obstruction is dad who is agianst me joining the military and thinks job core is a better oppurtinity.

I'm still hoping that mom, jazz, and me can all visit teresas for christmas, though I do think its going to suck that right after a 4-hour flight were going to go on a 4 hour drive, this time without infinite peanuts, cokes, random junkfood, pillows, blankets, nice sky veiw and with a possibly screaming toddler and first grader in the back... ya know the more I think about it I wonder: Is it really worth it? *sigh* I guess I'll just have to find out.

well thats all I've got to write about right now, so this is Adrian- anxiously awaiting the inevitable American/French war, signing off.


Blogger Teresa said...

Aw, c'mon, Adrian, where's your sense of adventure? BTW, both the flight and the drive are closer to 4.5 hours : )

Be sure to talk to the Army people, too. David will be upset if you don't, but more importantly - this is a huge committment we're talking about. Like that old Captain & Tenille song goes, "Ya better shop around." And listen to Ryan about getting everything in writing and making sure you actually read it to make sure you got it in writing.

Re: Job Corps - yeah, look how far it got your dad. And your mom, for that matter (sorry Lisa!). She said she got good training but unfortunately it was with outdated equipment/methods. We've had an administration that frowns on programs like Job Corps, and though I don't know the specifics I believe I've read that the program has been significantly underfunded for a good while now. If you're seriously considering Job Corps you might want to compare it and some of the similar programs (AmeriCorps, Peace Corps) to see which would be best for you.

Oh, and BTW, I think Gary might be reluctant to spend Christmas away from his family and possibly on an air mattress at my house! Gee, where's HIS sense of adventure? Naw, I don't know the deal but I know your mom was going to talk to him about coming down here. That would be so cool to have everyone here, though. And then y'all wouldn't have to do 9+ hours of travel.

Glad Vela got the ax...too bad it was only a metaphorical ax : O

Fri Oct 21, 03:31:00 AM 2005  
Blogger Lisa said...

I'm still trying to talk Gary into it. He's worried about the dogs since Sarah nipped at Lea Anna at the reunion. Understandable, but easy for us to work around. If I can't talk Him into it, we'll drive down anyway a day or two before Christmas. I'll have a four day weeekend. Woo Hoo!

Fri Oct 21, 04:02:00 AM 2005  
Blogger Teresa said...

I don't blame y'all for being worried. Daisy charging at Sara and getting bit was understandable in my book (not in Janet and Lonnie's, I know), but all Lea Anna did was get close to her while she was still freaked out about what she perceived as an attack. Lea Anna didn't do anything to deserve getting snapped at. I don't believe Sara intended to bite her at all or she would have done so - they were close enough that she could have easily bitten.

FYI, Sara has been on anti-anxiety medication for about a week now. Like, three different ones. It seems to help and I'm starting to take her out into different situations that I know would normally frighten her so she'll get used to them while under the influence, so to speak. KiKi seems to have helped a lot with Sara's "therapy." KiKi taught Sara that you can't necessarily bite without repercussions, and I think that was an important lesson. So I feel like she's getting better.

I have a separate dog room with baby gates. While they won't want to stay down there 24/7, they can if there are problems. Also (don't laugh), one of the meds I have for her is Xanax - for those severe-stress situations - and it reeeaaallllly mellows her out, dude. Sara is really a good, sweet dog. You'd just have to have been around her a lot more than the day of the Family Reunion to know that.

Fri Oct 21, 06:09:00 AM 2005  
Blogger Lisa said...

Army recruiting stations map:


Sat Oct 22, 10:21:00 AM 2005  

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