Divine Secrets of the Blog-Blog Sisterhood

the not-very-official blog of the sisters formerly known as rosche

Monday, October 17, 2005

The HIM Concert Experience...

The concert on Oct. 14th was awesome...Skindred was cool and Finch practically got boo-ed off stage...HA! I was 3 people away from the front (Emerald was in front of me and some other chic...damn her for being in front) and could see the glint in Ville's (the singer) eye...it was awesome...

HE WAS DRUNK! When he sang he slurred the words a little or let the audience sing the song...and there were times when he sat down for a few seconds...he had a beer on stage with him and would put it in his back pocket...and while smoking he would clap and ashes from his cigarette would fly all over the place like little fireworks...

The people throwing stuff on stage were funny... Some guy threw threw a beanie...some other guy threw a shirt and when Ville picked it up he threw a sharpie too...it hit Ville right in the chest...he kinda had a "What the f***?" look on his face. Somebody from the rafters threw pink glowsticks and, of course, some chics threw bras and some dude threw a pair of boxers...I think... Emerald and I got into the spirit also...I threw a bracelet and she threw a black rose pin...who knows what happened to them after that... I also thought the bands' bra wall [a bunch of bras pinned to a black sheet that covered Gas' (the drummer) drumset] was funny. The one that stuck out the most was a huge red one.

The lack of action in the mosh pit ticked me off. Skindred was an awesome band and barely anybody moshed. It was me and three dudes in the back, a few people off to the left of the audience, and this blonde guy (who I've dubbed Crazy White Boy) and a couple of his friends. When I shoved people and tried to get them to mosh, they stood there and gave me dumb looks... It's like, why go into a mosh pit when you're NOT gonna mosh? ...weenies. I wasn't surprised when no one moshed to Finch though. I tried a little (I wanted my moneys worth of pit action, damnit!), but gave up 5 seconds later. The minute the band came out people boo-ed and flipped them off. The lead singer even said, "Ok, since no one seems to like us we'll just play a couple songs then leave." Thank god!

People didn't start REALLY moshing until HIM came on. When they played their more fast-paced songs (like Buried Alive By Love) the guys started their mosh pit. Before the concert I was like, "Who moshes to HIM?", but they did and it was awesome. Crazy White Boy (or, Brandon O) was practically the king of the pit... He was whirling around like a friggin' tornado and slamming into people. I got some body slams in, but couldn't go full-on in the pit...some stupid, preppy girl was trying squeeze her way past me and Emerald and I didn't want to move.

One girl I tried to hold off actually got passed me, but Emerald saved the day. The girl stepped on Emerald's foot (which was stupid because she had on girly shoes and Emerald had on docs... You tell me who's gonna win THAT fight!) and had the nerve to say, "Sorry, I'm drunk!" (Lieing b****, I saw her the whole time she was in the pit and she didn't even drink water!) Emerald stepped on her foot (GO DOC MARTENS!) and hit her in the head. I am proud to say we won that battle (although Emerald broke her really cool ring and even though the concert is over, she's still out for that girl's blood).

My suspicions that Linde was stoned was confirmed when Emerald and a couple of others in the audience said if you paid attention you could smell the faint scent of pot coming from the stage...2 others that actually got to meet him said he was kinda out of it when they spoke to him.

Emerald and I had had a lot of fun and got some cool pictures. (You can tell they're authentic fan pictures because they're crappy...) I was hoping to get the whole band, but Mige (the bassist) and Linde (the guitartist) were moving around too much (which is understandable) and Burton (the keyboardist) and Gas were too far in the back...Ville was easier for Emerald to photograph...but as long as I got one good picture of Linde (and all I got WAS one) I'm happy. I even got a couple of mosh pit pictures, but because of all the movement the pictures are pretty chaotic looking...I even got Crazy White Boy's head in the picture.

When the concert was over Emerald and I met our two new friends, Randy and Liz (we met them in line...they're awesome...) outside and bought some souvenirs (Did I spell that right?) I bought 7 pins (3 for Emerald, 4 for me...I got my 4th one free though. :-P) and an official, bootleg HIM tour shirt. I can ALMOST die happy.

My next goal is to see them in London, England July 26th. If Skindred is there again, that'll be awesome...I just hope they ditch Finch...


Blogger Teresa said...

God I HATE it when no one wants to mosh!!!!!

Okay, seriously...I admit I've never moshed and I've barely heard of H.I.M. Found 'em in the iTunes store & some of their stuff ain't bad. Glad you had a great time. Too bad some artists have to be wasted off their arses before they can perform, huh? I mean, it can be funny if you don't think about it too deeply. Then it gets sad. Like Janis Joplin.

Mon Oct 17, 06:28:00 PM 2005  
Blogger Lisa said...

Stoned rock singers are no suprise but it wouldn't kill them to wait until after the show to waste their remaining brain cells. I glad you had a blast.

CALL ME!!!!!!!!

Mon Oct 17, 10:13:00 PM 2005  

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