Army vs. Airforce
This week at school I went to get a couple of my U.S. History and Government classes changed. I was doing extremely well in both classes but the teacher was treating the students like they were special ed and I got sick of it so I went to get my classes changed. Upon speaking to my counselor I learned the school had screwed my schedule up something feirce. My first period composition class was actually a basic comp class along with my U.S. History and Teen living classes and I told my councelor to give me advanced classes only. So now I have a different composition class, us history, & government classes and I now have a geometry and biology class so I pretty much changed all but my typing class.
Me and dad were going to see that sci-fi flick serinity saturday but the times displayed at the theater was diffrent from the times posted on the website so he went home. I stayed behind and went to walmart to get some paint for my A-10 model. I also went to see what was out at EB games and saw a amuzing scene playout between two recruiters. One was in an airforce uniform and the other was in the army. Them and a couple other recruiters were moving around the mall passing out pamphlets for their branches, but these guys were taking a break to duke it out in super smash brothers (which is a fighting game with mario characters.) These guys were doing some serious trash talking about eachothers branches, and they sounded serious like at any moment they would drop the controllers and go at each others throats with knives. They stopped once they realized I someone else had entered the store and they each handed me a pamphlet and then walked their seperate ways likenothing had happened.
The 'Join the Army' pamphlet was funny to me, It had a picture of 6 people who joined the army and had parts of their personal stories on it. Funny thing was they were all black or latino, which is the 2 main groups in the area. The air force one was cool because It had pictures of jets and all that cool airforce stuff.
You'll probably have less trouble makers in the advanced classes. Students that high up in the academic world are more serious about their education.
You have the recruiters figured out too. Of course They'd have brown people on the pamphlets - they got to market to their target audiences. Sounds like they're selling you a product just like Ivory soap or Keebler cookies, doesn't it? Too bad you couldn't hear more of their trash talking. It sounds like it was getting interesting. If you do go for the Airforce you have got to find a way to fly a Harrier Jet (Sp?). It's the least Uncle Sam can do for you if they are having my Son risk life and limb.
Re: recruiters - they'll play to whatever audience they're in with regard to the kind of spin they put on their message. I'm sure David could add something here, but they are essentially sales people, with quotas and bonuses based on their recruiting.
AF is the creme-de-la-creme. Hard to get into but smart to shoot for. Don't laugh at the Army, either - it ain't true that they'll take just anybody.
Adrian, I swear you have your act together better than the rest of us. How many of us slackers would have gone and asked to be put in better/harder classes. You are so smart to think long-term and not short term.
I didn't finish H.S. when I should have. Went to night school and did this work at your own pace thing. It was maddening. The work was total bonehead stuff and still the losers in the class couldn't/wouldn't get it. Thank God for college. Yeah, you gotta take the Freshman stuff with a bunch of teenyboppers who are only there because mommy and daddy paid for it and insisted, but once you get out of those 100-level, everyone-has-to-take-'em classes, it's great.
David said the same thing about the Army - you're more likely to fly there than in the Air Force. Talked to him last night.
I also mentioned Adrian's ignorant African-American History "teacher" and how he said they don't have any black pilots. Dave says that's bullshit - lots of Army pilots are black.
One of our clients, Goodrich, supplies a lot of stuff for the JSF, BTW. So I've seen some cool photos we included in the projects we've designed for them.
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