Divine Secrets of the Blog-Blog Sisterhood

the not-very-official blog of the sisters formerly known as rosche

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Update from class

Hey people. Ihave to make this quick before my teacher catches me.

OK, at school I finished my first class but because I need to have a first period Iim stuck in here for awhile. So I usually end up farting around on the net when no ones looking, and sleeping alot. Things are going good in my other class, I just started the arcitecture phase and designed a single bedroom house (minus plumbing, heating, AC, electrical, etc.) Job corp has given everyone at AFOC a 7th period class. Its called study skills and it involves doing absolutely nothing other than go on the internet and study whatever friggin webpage we see, Its boring as hell and a waste of friggin time. When I only had AFOC classes I could gett to the dorm early if necessary or play warcraft at the library, now when I need to do laundry I have to wait in friggin line most of the time and I onlly get about an hour on the library internet a day. Speaking of which, The wireless internet has gotten cut at grandmas. Now every saturday me and Hector venture down to the long beach library to play world of warcraft. Later today I shall venture downtown in an attempt to retreive hectors long overdue birthday gift. I originally ordered a movie called DeathNote from overseas but the store apparently never got it (though I personally think they sold it) but my freind recently told me of a different store that may have it so Im gonna go scope it out. If they dont have it I'll just give Hector money (of which I will borrow most of back.)


Blogger Lisa said...

I'm glad your classes are going well inspite of the bring 7th period. What's the deal with your Study Skills class anyway? Is AFOC using it as an easy way to bilk the government out of more tuition money or is it just designed to keep the students out of Job Corps hair for an extra hour?

Thu Mar 29, 07:21:00 PM 2007  

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