Divine Secrets of the Blog-Blog Sisterhood

the not-very-official blog of the sisters formerly known as rosche

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Quick update!

Hello, Family!

Just to keep everyone "In the Know"...

I finally got a second job! I work at a candy store now as well as a pizza place (but, GOD how I hate working at the pizza place!).

I'm also saving money to get an appartment with my friend (but, that probably won't happen because as I type this, she's on MySpace instead of looking for a job...sigh).

AND, for the past couple of days I've been chatting with Justin! (Yay!) He says he wants to save money so he can visit family, go to LA, and other stuff.

But he really wants to see family.

I hope he can save his money and make it out to visit Georgia or Tennesee this Christmas.

OMG! I ALMOST FORGOT TO SAY that I've been taking Jazz Dance class and it's going pretty well. I learned a whole dance to a Madonna song and got to help my group coreograph part of the dance. It's really fun (though a bit frustrating sometimes... One of the girls in my group is a idea-nazi.) and I've discovered that I'm actually NOT horrible at dancing.

I just can't do turns very well. I need to work on my balance. 0_o

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Blogger Lisa said...

Is it one of those stores that sell those gigantic chocolate truffles? Yum! I hope you all can make it our here too. I miss everyone terrribly, but know you have to take care of busines at home first. I also glad to hear you are doing good in dance. I knew you couldn't possibly be as bad as your Mamma!

Thu Aug 21, 03:26:00 PM 2008  

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