Visit From Santa
The kids had a visit from Santa Clause (aka Terry our really cool next door neighbor) this evening. Lea Anna was scared of him and clung to me so tight it would have taken a crow bar to pry her off. Daniel of course knows no strangers and had no problem with Santa. When Santa asked him what he wanted for Christmas he said with much sincerity "Oh, not much. Just a dirt bike. And a dog. And a lot of thousand dollars." That boy is just too funny. I don't know how I managed to keep a straight face, 'cause I was on the verge of falling down and laughing my ass off after Daniel's last request. He also asked me if that was really Santa after he had left. I told him I wasn't sure but he better be good just in case. Hey, it worked for a little bit - long enough to get him to clean his room.
Wow - you got a clean room out of that? I'm impressed. I don't think Santa would have had that effect on my kids even if he showed up with Rudolph in the living room!
If Daniel wants a dog he will be in heaven when he visits. He'll need to give Sara time and let her come to him when she's ready, but KiKi is desperate for a playmate and can't get enough pets and scratches. She'll be waiting by the door when you show up - I guarantee.
Yep, he cleaned it and with only a slight bit of nagging. Of course it is a pig sty again already but at least there is one less layer piled up.
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