Political science
Today's class was interesting. One of the speakers on the video we saw talked about it being wrong to have a colorblind society. I agree. You have to notice someones race in order treat them with respect. You have to be aware of the difference in someones culture. Well, that was the main point of the night. I am taking poli Sci 5- ethnicity in the american political process. I am also taking a PE class come april. I officially put in my petition to graduate, so lets see what happens- if I dotted all my I's and crossed my T's it should go through. I dont know I always expect things to go wrong. I am not a pessimist- I am just used to preparing for the worst and hoping for the best as they say. They told me they would notify me in eight weeks if anything goes wrong. I must go now I am sleepy and it is Stargate Monday. Must Watch Show!
Oh no, my poor Sis is being turned into a {gasp} Liberal!. It's okay, I still love you. Seriously though, I do not think you have to notice someones ethnicity, religion, etc. to treat them with respect. Respect is treating others how you would expect to be treated, period. I don't give a fig how you look or where you come from - just how you act.
I didn't know you had to put in a petition to graduate though. I thought you just had to pass the classes, with the appropriate credits of course. I'm sure it will work out fine for you either way.
Stargate is not a bad show, but Two and a Half Men is my favorite Monday show.
Petitioning to graduate is just a formality most of the time. All it means is that they check your transcript to make sure you've fulfilled the requirements, and then they add you to the list of people to get diplomas ready for. Oh, and if they're like KSU, they collect a fee!
Jonna, I am so proud of you but mostly I am happy that you'll have achieved a goal you've worked long and hard at.
You go, girl!
What I meant was... you can really offend someone without knowing their culture. You can also get into alot of trouble (never smile at an Arab or Mexican male, they take it the wrong way) To be culturally aware is to be at an advantage.( Always eat whats put in front of you and help with the dishes at a Mexican house.) Anyway, I have to get back to my studying... I was reading an article by Shelby Steele on white guilt. That's an interesting topic......
Now I get the petition thingy. I think it bites if they collect a fee though. What the heck, you're still going to be a college GRADUATE! GO JONNA!!!!
And as far as eating what's put in front of you - you better do it at Grandma's house too, even if it's deer meatloaf. That is the bad only meal she ever put in front of us. Thank goodness someone else actually cooked it, so my fond memories of her meals are not crushed.
Dearest Mother,
What's wrong with being a Liberal?
I hope that was sarcasm...
Aggh! Not my own daughter going lefty on me! Where did I go wrong? yes, I was kidding about your Aunty going lib, but as far as what's wrong with it - the freaking ACLU and Michael Moore. Those guys are just as nuts as the the hardliners on the extreme right.
Agreed that there are nut cases amongst the liberals...as there are amongst the conservatives.
Whatever happened to balance?
I am quite sure that if I expressed my opinions to a random audience of 100 people there would be an equal number of liberals and conservatives calling for my head.
Sheep! Sheep! People just want to be sheep, I tell you! Think for yourself and don't simply follow the party line because Dubya or Kerry or Hillary or who-the-heck-ever is in charge says X, Y, and Z are the right things to do. Don't just swallow it whole. Most of the time, neither probems nor their solutions are black and white.
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