Divine Secrets of the Blog-Blog Sisterhood

the not-very-official blog of the sisters formerly known as rosche

Saturday, April 29, 2006

Another F***ing Funeral...

Dad died this past Friday (April 28th, 2006) of a Heart Attack.

Obvioulsy, Adrian and I were feeling pretty f****ed up about it, but now that we've gotten over the big shock, we're ok.

I talked to Uncle Kenny, Eban, and Bear...Even Grandpa (Dad's dad)... They all told me that since I'm the oldest I'm going to have to deal with all the decisions concerning his funeral, bills, and what-not.

Sitting in his room right now, it's really hard to believe that he's not gonna be around anymore. He was getting healthier everyday... I was so sure he was gonna be around to drive me crazy for another 20 years, but I was obviously wrong.

I don't know what I'm gonna do... I have to go on home leave from Job Corps, so I can get his deaht certficate and all that legal mumbo-jumbo...

Hope I don't go crazy...


Blogger Lisa said...

As if the situation wasn't bad enough, it sure bites being the oldest at times like this doesn't it? You do have some hard decision to make but you do not have to make them alone. I'll be there in a couple of days, but until then talk to everyone and MAKE them help you. And don't let some sleaze ball con you into buying some kajillion dollar silk & gold lined casket or high dollar memorial either. The only person that feels better after plopping down all that dough is the funeral director who's Lexis you just paid for.

Sun Apr 30, 04:59:00 AM 2006  
Blogger Teresa said...

Jazz & Adrian, I am so, so sorry you have to deal with losing your dad right now. And as if that wasn't hard enough on its own you have to handle things and make decisions that are difficult or even incomprehensible for most older people to cope with when you've just barely become young adults. I don't think it's fair, and it breaks my heart.

But at the same time I think you can handle it better than anyone else your dad had in his life. I don't think you will "go" crazy during the coming weeks, though I would fully expect you to *feel* kinda crazy at times.

I am glad your mom is coming to be with you guys. The three of you have been through so many changes in your lives and I'm so proud of the way you and your mom have come out of each of them stronger and better people. I think this will eventually be another of those situation.

I love you guys and hope to see you soon. Until then, you'll be on my mind.

Sun Apr 30, 08:40:00 AM 2006  
Blogger Scarecrobot said...

"The only person that feels better after plopping down all that dough is the funeral director who's Lexis you just paid for."

LMAO! That made me feel better!

And, thanks Auntie Teresa...

Grandma and Unlce kenny say I should look into a probate lawyer...

Mon May 01, 10:02:00 AM 2006  
Blogger Lisa said...

Grandma and Uncle Kenny are right about the probate lawyer. I'd try to see if legal aid can help you first, because they are not cheap.

Mon May 01, 07:29:00 PM 2006  

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