Scorched Earth

Yesterday afternoon my next door neighbor set fire to his front lawn.
Amanda had come over earlier and we'd gone out to eat, and returning home to the sight of the yard adjacent to mine - meer feet from my house - completely engulfed in flames was a bit disconcerting. I wasn't completely freaked out because the homeowners' association recently sent around a flyer suggesting burning as a way to get rid of the dead winter grass and help the new growth along. But Amanda, on seeing the flaming lawn, exclaimed "WHAT the HELL?????"
I must say, a black lawn has a rather interesting look. And does matche the trim on my neighbor's house. However, there's something about growing up near an area plagued by wildfires that makes me feel there's something fundamentally wrong with intentionally setting fire to your property.
I'll stick with my brown Bermuda for now, thank you.
I have also heard that fire is a good way to get rid of dead lawns. But really now, does the home owners association still think this is a good thing with such a small buffer zone between houses?
Is it just me, or have you all noticed that Southerners seem to have a strange fascination with burning stuff?
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