Shopping for Siblings
Lea Anna asked me to go to the store and buy her some Brothers and Sisters so She could have lots of kids to play with. I tried to explain to her in 3 yr old terms where babies come from and why you can not just go to the store and buy a baby, but She still has this idea stuck in her head that I can just pick one up at the store. I think this all stems from a conversation during a tantrum she had months ago when she screamed that She's not my girl anymore and my reply was something to the effect of if you don't want me anymore I'll just have to go to Big Lots and buy another little girl - I hear they have a sale on them in aisle 5. I am going to have to find a play group or something for her soon. This is not a closed subject with Her.
Also, if you found her firends, you could drop her off at someone elses house for awhile and ler THEM deal with her!
Yeah, it's wither find her some friends or scour the sales aisle! But now before you dog on little Sis with the king size attitude, when you were only a year or two older than her you tried to talk me into having a baby sister, after one of your fights with Adrian. You didn't stop there though, you went on to name a few potential husbands. I think your favorite was Mike, the guy who played "see food" with his scrambled eggs on our last camping trip. Remember?!!
Caitlin always wanted me to have another, perferably a sister. She always complains about being alone but if she had to watch a younger sibling she'd complain about that. When whe gets old enough she can stay with auntie and Caitlin can watch her during the day...will see if they change their minds.
Send her on down anytime. You might advise her to bring a set of ear plugs though.
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