Divine Secrets of the Blog-Blog Sisterhood

the not-very-official blog of the sisters formerly known as rosche

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

I've got spirit! Yes, I do! :-P

School spirit, that is... Lol.

I joined some clubs at El Camino and I'm excited because I meet with my first one today. ^_^ I joined the Fashion, Graphic Design, and Rotaract clubs. (FYI: Rotaract is community service... I may or may not go to this club regularly simply because the other two seem like more fun.)

Today's meeting is the for the Tailor Made Fashion Club. (I don't like the name... It reminds me of that dude from I <3 NY, but I'm sure they had their name first, so I'll get over it. >_>) I'm so excited! Their fashion club sponsors (or, whatever...) fashion shows at El Camino 'n' stuff! It will also be good to meet other people that sew, because I can probably learn some new things from them or collaborate or whatever...

Yeah... I'm just really excited... I wanted to join clubs at LACC, but they didn't have ANY that I liked; they were all pretty whack. They had, like, 3 different Christian clubs, a Buddhist club, a club for African-American and Asian students, etc... They didn't have anything FUN or beneficial to me, like a FILM or ART club. Pfft!

Other than that, I have my second German class next Tuesday. So far we've been learning about family titles, nationalities, and a few other verbs. I'm kind of excited for this as well... I REALLY want to get an A! >_<

(Son of a b****... I just realized that my hands are kind of shaking from all the weight lifting in PE class. 0_0 Hm... I don't think that's bad. I think they just need to rest and typing is not restful. NE-wayz...)

That's all for now!

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Blogger Teresa said...

Sounds like fun to me.

Maybe you can learn enough German to translate on some family trip where we all go back to the homeland. Did you know there's like a whole place named Rosche? Not kidding - look it up on Wikipedia!

Tue Sep 22, 06:25:00 PM 2009  
Blogger Scarecrobot said...

Really?! That's cool!

So far I'm pretty good at the basic "Meet 'n' Greet" stuff in German...as well as describing things.

I don't think I'll know enough to translate things until the end of my 2nd semester...but class is so fun! ^_^

Tue Sep 22, 07:04:00 PM 2009  
Blogger Lisa said...

Jazzy - you get cooler every day <3

Wed Sep 23, 03:09:00 PM 2009  
Blogger AuntieJanet said...

Jazzy, I love your enthusiasm, it's contagious!

Sun Sep 27, 07:11:00 AM 2009  

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