Divine Secrets of the Blog-Blog Sisterhood

the not-very-official blog of the sisters formerly known as rosche

Sunday, September 04, 2005

David Held Over in MO

David called me yesterday to say that they were keeping him at Ft. Leonard Wood a while longer. I was thinking they might be intending to use the Army personnel there to help with hurricane relief, but he says that is not the case. I have an address for him now, which I will be e-mailing to those who have asked me for it. If you want it and didn't receive it, please e-mail me and I will send it to you.

If you want to send him a letter or package, the next couple of weeks would be a good time. We know he'll be there long enough to receive it. Just don't wait too long or you'll get stuck not knowing his address for however long it takes him to get to Ft. Benning, be assigned to a battalion and contact us with his address.

As far as I know there aren't as many restrictions as he's had at basic and AIT on what you can send, but I don't have the specifics. Hopefully David will post a comment about them here if there are some things we shouldn't send.


Blogger Teresa said...

Just saw a story on CNN about the 82nd Airborne battalion, David's likely destination after jump school, being sent to help in the Gulf area. So I'm guessing that's why they're holding him up.

Sun Sep 04, 07:41:00 AM 2005  
Blogger Dave said...

negative... for some reason, they're shipping three privates a week, and they're going down the list in alphabetical order. some people get out of here in a month, some in two or three. my ds still hasn't prepared my airborne packet or signed me up for a physical and a pt test, so i really don't know what's going on. if nothing changes by 16 sep (next friday), i'm going to pull out my current orders and go on "leave." i didn't request leave, but my orders say i can sign out of ft. lw next week and i don't have to sign in at ft. hood until 28 sep. i'm hoping they'll send me to jump school after i take leave, but who knows?

Thu Sep 08, 06:24:00 PM 2005  
Blogger Teresa said...

Argh...I have a feeling that if you do that, Murphy's Law will come into play and you won't get to go to jump school. Any way you can kiss the DS's @$$ and find out what's going on?

Fri Sep 09, 09:34:00 AM 2005  

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