Where IS everybody?
Okay, I know every one has been busy with the holidays. It was good, but now it is over. So where are you all? Don't make me do something drastic like pay for a phone call! I had a very loud but wonderful holiday. Daniel is being mean and not letting me play with his new video game. Just wait until you go to bed little boy. Bwahaha! Seriously, how was y'alls Christmas?
Um, we like, did nothing. Janet and I went to see Syriana. Good, but not exactly festive. Seemed a slightly merrier choice than King Kong, however.
I'm waiting 'til y'all get here to celebrate : )
Mom got chela an easy bake oven, I gother a teddy bear and Ruben is mad because I got him a personal hygiene kit. Well, he needed it! Besides Grandma and Luis gave him money/gift certificate to make up for my lame gift.Luis took the kids and I and we went to Norm's for breakfast and I cooked a simple chicken dinner. Christmas was just the way I wanted to be.I hope everyone had a nice one too.
Easy Bake! FUN! I would play with that NOW - I don't care how old I am or that I am allowed to use a "real" oven.
Please tell Ruben I am sorry he got a personal hygiene kit. I hope he got something he enjoyed with the gift card and cash. I got mad about getting books one year when everyone else got toys, and when I finally got over it I discovered they were pretty cool books. Hardy Boys and Nancy Drew - woo-hoo!
Daniel woke us up at 7am to open presents. Not too early by most standards, but since I picked Jazz up at the airport at 11:30 the night before and we stayed up super late talking and putting presents under the tree I felt like I had a major hang over. Thank goodness for strong coffee! We had the traditional ham dinner. I tried to make sweet potato casserole like Aunt Janet served that one time, but it wasn't nearly as good. Next time I'll just buy it at Publix. I got some majorly cool stuff - clothes, an electric grill, a bread machine and South Park Season IV DVDs. Lea Anna and Daniel got WAY too much toys, since both Gary and I bought them stuff (neither one of us realizing just how much the other had bought) but I haven't heard either of those two complain.
I feel Rueben's pain. I really suck at buying gifts for any male over the age of 10. Bad Mamma! Bad Mamma! Well, at least he'll smell pretty while he's being pissed.
I will make it up with ruben time . Alot of times I wake up at 3:00 in the morning so I wake up ruben and we hang out together at Norm's- we have alot of fun.
Ps. I feel bad cuz I found out he is allergic to alot of the stuff.
Ah, geez - poor kid.
Getting to hang out at Norms with Mom at 3:00 a.m. should make up for it all. It's like getting a pass to break all the rules!
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