Divine Secrets of the Blog-Blog Sisterhood

the not-very-official blog of the sisters formerly known as rosche

Monday, June 19, 2006

What's Goin' On With Jazz...

I have been up to A LOT since I last posted…

Job Corps is still ok. Just last Friday they had their June graduation ceremony. I got paid to design the graduation programs, which is, of course, the BEST part. I don’t know how much I’m being paid though… I get my check today or tomorrow. I didn’t bother asking either because I told them if they projected me out (or, sign papers saying I completed the stupid course) of Business Technology, so that I could start my trade they didn’t have too. They agreed to project me out, so I was happy. (Money’s nice, but I’d just spend it on crap anyway!) A couple days later, I was told I was going to be paid for my services AND projected out, so YAY FOR ME!!!

I’ve also been going to shows at The Whisky (A Go Go) a lot more. The most recent ones I’ve been to were Goatwhore, the 6/6/6 show (a bunch of metal/industrial bands were playing that night), and Orcus’ (they’re a local death metal band) album release show (which was this passed Saturday).

They’re really fun to go to and I always meet really cool people. I also got to know most of the band members over MySpace, so whenever I go, they always say “hi” and talk to me ‘n’ stuff… Like, I asked Neurobox (who opened for Orcus) if they could play “Red Carpet Sniper” a few days before the show and they did (yay!)… It was their second song. When Orcus’ drummer, Chris, was throwing drumsticks in the audience, he actually handed me on… It was awesome. I even get tickets at a lower price too, and that’s always cool.

I am also part of two street teams. One is for the band Skumlove and the other is for BlessedBeThyName. It’s fun work (if you want to call it that). I just hand out CDs, make banners for websites, and hang fliers on occasion. All of Skumlove’s street team members get into their gigs for free, so that’s another bonus point for moi. I joined the street team for H.I.M, but it’s mainly run over the Internet…very impersonal since they’re a huge, major band. I like working with the local bands a lot more because you actually get to talk and joke around with them.

As far as shows go, I am planning on attending, at least, 4 (or 5) more… It’s probably more than that, actually, but that’s no big deal ‘cause I always get in for cheap. (Yay connections!)

Hopefully, they will project me out of Business Tech QUICKLY… I would REALLY like to get on with my career training.

Until next time…

Love, Jazzy


Blogger Lisa said...

Moving up in your classes are good. Moving up with money is even better.
And I thought they had some strange band names back in the day, but Goatwhore?! HA HA HA HA! Of course they'd be a metal band. I can't see them playing bluegrass with a name like that. (Gary said he's going to start him a band called the Sheep Sluts)I see the Whiskey A Go Go still rocks. It was hot years ago. The coolest place I've been is Gazzari's, which was one of the major clubs in the 80's. Is it still considered a cool place to hang? I'm glad you are having opportunites I never had, but seriously though, watch you back at the clubs. And never leave your drink unattended or let anyone buy you one unless you walk straight up to the bar and watch it be poured. I want you to have fun for many years to come.

Tue Jun 20, 08:07:00 PM 2006  
Blogger Teresa said...

Jazzy, can you post pictures of the graduation program, or anything else you're working on? It'd be cool to see your designs : )

I am so proud of you, Miz Designer Chick!

Oh, and BTW, I've been to the Whiskey...saw some crazy band called Sick Sex and a KISS tribute band that my friend Cherie's husband Glen wanted to see. Not Mini KISS, though. Darn!

Tue Jun 27, 03:40:00 AM 2006  
Blogger Teresa said...

Hey, Jazz - I found a song in the iTunes store about Job Corps - can you believe it? If you have iTunes this link will get you there...

Thu Jun 29, 04:36:00 PM 2006  

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