Divine Secrets of the Blog-Blog Sisterhood

the not-very-official blog of the sisters formerly known as rosche

Friday, October 13, 2006

Adrian vs. Bear!( and making exploding heads)

Herro peoplez! A couple weeks ago I dragged hector & Ruben with me on a trip to the L.A. Zoo. Our goal: T obeat the crap out of a bear! And naturally (since we had no car) we had to take, the metro. We got up and left at about 9:30 and left to catch the rapid dowtown. Once we got downtown we stepped out, and the mass amount of smog began viciously assaulting hectors poor lungs which are used to breathing cleanish-like air of torrance. While we were heading to get to the next stop he kept complaining abouthaving to throw up and the foul smelling bacon wrapped hotdogs didn't help. When we got on the next bus about 2 rows behind us was a crazy hobo/hitchiker/skateboarder that was yelling at the invisible people on his lap things like "I'm gonna kill you!" and "Go to hell!" This was Hectors first encouter with a metro crazy so he was pretty freaked out. When we got to the zoo we didn't see a bear enclosure on the map so I was feeling pretty bummed. So we walked around, seeing some kick-ass things like rattlesnakes, a white crocodile (who was hiding like a coward in the bushes!)and a rhino who had a MASSIVE cigar in his pen! (It was actually a wooden toy-like thingy) we were headed for the tigers pen 2 of them were fighting which was cool but those bastards stopped once I pulled out my camer. After that we saw awhat I 've been looking for, the bear. I immediately got excited, and handed Hector the camera and got ready to jump in and beat it up, but right as I was about to hop in that bear ran like a coward and hid inside his little cave. After that I got depressed, I was hoping that wed have a massive battle , but when I saw him turn tail and run I just got sad and decided it was pointless so we decided to just leave. Before we left we decided to get some munchies and as I sat moping over a 20oz soda that cost 4 bucks, something came that would turn this dissapointing day around and that something was: a bee. The first thing it did was swing at my hhead, which I quickly dodged but that sucker wouldnt let up and swung at me agian and missed by less than an inch! I then grabbed my empty cup and swung at it, but it did a matrix dodge and then attacked agian causing me to nearly fall over. I got up as It tried to put a finishing sting in me, and I grabbed a bunch of straws and began chucking them at it, but that crafty bastard dodged them ALL! It then tripped me over knocking me and the table down, but right as it was about to get me with its stinger, I grabbed a cup that was rolling on the ground and struck with all my might and the bee then fell dead. Once I recovered from that we leftwe sat for about half an hour waiting for a bus. While waiting hector beat up a cricket hiding in a trashcan. The first bus that was heading downtown skipped us, so I made his head explode ( evidenced by an ambulance passing by after I cursed him, mwa-ha-ha) and we eventually got home, Hector made it through the pollution Okay, and rubin kept bothering hobos for the rest of the day.


Blogger Teresa said...

Good gosh almighty - I should have known you wouldn't settle for any ordinary old trip to the zoo, Adrian.

Good to see you back on the blog : )

My personal favorite at the zoo is watching the primates. Reminds me of our childhood ; )

Sat Oct 14, 03:02:00 PM 2006  
Blogger Lisa said...

"Cleanish" Torrance air - Ha! Well, in comparison to LA I think we'd all say it's quite pristine. The zoo is fun, but riding the Metro is always an adventure!

Sun Oct 15, 04:20:00 AM 2006  
Blogger Scarecrobot said...

Adrian is a DRAMA QUEEN with false visions HERO-DOM!!!

...I feel sorry for the bee!

Mon Oct 16, 01:24:00 PM 2006  
Blogger Teresa said...

Everyone's entitled to his/her own opinion, but I happen to think that Adrian is a talented and imaginative storyteller...and that his sister is the REAL drama queen...and I ain't talking about Miz Lea Anna ; )

I love you anywayz Jazzy. Maybe you aren't a drama "queen," per se, but you certainly tell interesting tales, too.

Mon Oct 16, 04:54:00 PM 2006  

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