We all FALL Down
YAY! I found a site on how to make Dread Falls (as shown in the collage above)!!!
I found the instructions at a website called http://www.angrycaninelovestick.org/.
It turns out that the best and preferred method of making Dread Falls is called back-combing. Instead of twisting it, then messing it up like I did, this method calls for you to mess it up (aka "backcombing), twist it, the mess it up a little more.
All in all, you get the same results, but it ends up looking better when you backcomb it... It's also a lot quicker!
The site had A LOT of information. It tells how to do multiple colors, different ways to make and attatch the dreads, etc.
I was sure to copy and print everything I found.
I can't wait to get started... I might even leave my hair out of braids for awhile.
All I need is a couple pairs of nifty Cyber Goggles to wear with the Dread Falls, like these!!!
I normally can't stand dreads, but I'm sure you'll find a way to actually look make them look cool. I say go for it and enjoy it as long as you can - you'll be graduating soon enough and will have to tone everything down to enter the work force.
I think they look cool but they usually stink from any distance closer than 10 feet!
Yesterday we were at Octane (coffee house) getting ready for an art auction benefit for a coworker and there was a girl looking at our stuff that had some pretty cool dreads going on for a white girl. She was dressed kind of funky and had some bad-ass tattoos, too. As she picked up her stuff to leave and threw her bag over her shoulder we saw that she had braidable pit hair - ew!
Well... I'm definately NOT dreading my pit hair...
And the dreads won't stink because they're synthetic and I'll be able take them off and on like those fake ponytails that the ghetto girls wear...only cooler...
Ewww pit hair! At least if she was going to have nasty pits she should of at least have the courtesy to wear sleeves (preferably long ones) so she wouldn't gag anyone.
Teresa is right - dreads stink to high heaven. Thank goodness for synthetics. I like the dreads in red that are on the freaky looking Asian chick.
BTW, I have a pic of you in your colorful braids at work. I got a lot of comments on how pretty you were (nothing we don't know already, but it still made my ego swell immensly), and quite a few good ones on your hair too.
Jazz, Gary saw the dread fall pictures and said he noticed that some "My Little Ponies" at the store had their tails missing.
Good one, Gary!
Scarecrow said...
Well... I'm definately NOT dreading my pit hair...
Jazzy, does that mean that you have pit hair?
Just curious...
Ah, HA HA... Gary is SOOOOOOOO FUNY! 0_0
And no Mandy, I don't have pit hair... I am PROUD to say that I keep my Naired (because who really wants razor stubble?).
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I can also attest to the fact that you don't have pit hair. I raised you better than that.
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