Crenshaw: The school!
school has just started here in california earlier this week. Jazzmin and myself were enrolled but Jazzmins been shooting around santa monica all week leaving me to brave the graffiti covered halls of crenshaw highschool. As everyones been informed crenshaw was having accredidation problems so alot of changes have been made under the new principal. First off theres alot more security monitoring the halls. Alot of the school councelors have been replaced and the 12th grade councelor Mr. Anapol (The only really good one) finally got a long deserved promotion officilly becoming one of the 'Big Wigs' on campus. Half of the original security force has been fired and replaced which is good because most of the security did'nt do their jobs properly. example- Whenever a fights about to break out hundreds of students gather around like someones handing out million dollar bills (do they even exist?) so its obvious and theirs a lot of time to intervene because the contestants spend a while trash talking I guess. Anyway rarely the old security would use that time to stop it but would let them fight it out before intervening but earlier this week 2 fights nearly broke out despite the earliness of the year and the security stopped them both. Both of the fights involved 9th graders so if those 2 scuffles are examples of things to come from the new kids decent secrity members would be usefull. The best thing that has been changed was the changes made to the student store. It now sells pens, paper, folders,etc. in addition to the junkfood that they usually sell. Despite the changes to the school its still pretty crappy but I do like the fact that the new principal finds things such as selling school supplies and better teachers more importiant than the electric toilets unlike the previous principal. Anyways I got my classes and their not that bad this year (possibly the new principals doin, though likely a coincidence.) First period I have composition which is the worst class because of the students. All but about 3 or so of the kids act like stereotypical black people loud, rude, act ignorant. 2nd perod I have U.S. History and 3rd period I have govt followed by computer basics for 4th. 5th is African American history and 6th period is teen living. This is my senior year so most of my freinds have graduated and I only have 3 really close freinds Kenyun, Julio, and charles.
I'm glad they are finaly doing something about your school. It still may suck, but it's a start. I suppose when you are handed a cesspool it takes a lot of work to make it nice and rosy. Getting rid of complacent underperforming teachers and counselors is a good start. It must have taken a lot of work for that to happen. It's not as easy as just saying "your fired" to a teacher that has tenure, especially with the teachers union backing them up. What about school books. Are yours still horribly outdated? I think the principle's biggest challenge will be motivating the students to act like human beings long enough to learn something. I wouldn't want that job. As for your rude ingnorant classmates, what can I say but get ready for that job flipping burgers - you'll probably be doing it for life!
My work has automatic toilets and faucets, but it's a private corporation and it wasn't paid for with tax payer money. One of them on my floor barely even flushes toilet paper and another one just keeps on running and running. You could probably flush a buffalo down it.
Adrian I hope something happens in your comp class to change that situation - you're a good writer and I bet you could pull an 'A' in it.
One thing I found in college was that near the beginning of the term, especially in a class that was required, all thd loud annoying people would make it a pain to get through the class. As a little time went by they'd just quit showing up and classes seemed to go a lot smoother and get a lot more interesting. Of course, it could have been a coincidence.
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