Everyone Unite for Splog Assassination Day!
Saturday, September 10th has been proclaimed "Splog Assassination Day" by Matt Haughey. Y'all may remember a week or so ago our blog got attacked by spammers. If you clicked on those spammer's Blogger user names you'd find that they linked to blogs that were nothing but SPAM! They commit these vile deeds - spam our blogs and set up their own spam blogs, or "splogs" - in an effort to boost their Google rankings. There are a variety of reasons why they want to rank higher in Google search results and none of them are honest.
I got mad when I saw the spam. Amanda did too, and so did Lisa. But what can we little people do to counter the multitude of evil spammers? Well, just like an army of ants, we can bring them to their deaths by attacking them with a gajillion tiny, stinging bites! Visit Blogger Buzz now to find out how you can root out the spamming cockroaches that have infiltrated our happy blogosphere. Even 10 minutes spent flagging spam blogs will help, so let's go!
I'm with you Sis. Death to the Sploggers!!
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