Just Say No...to the IRS
A point of interest for all of us old enough to vote: I'm an am radio junkie, and my favorite talk show host, Neal Boortz, has co-authored a book with congressman John Linder called The FairTax Book. This is a great idea for tax reform, and if you don't want to shell out the $25 for the book, you can read all about it on fairtax.org for free. Basically, it would abolish the IRS, remove all of the embedded taxes in all new goods (currently between 20% - 30%) and apply a flat tax of about 23% on all new goods and services at the point of purchase only. If you think this will increase prices, think again- prices will pretty much stay the same. No tax on used goods. No headache every April 15th, or even better, no feeling grateful to the government for sending you a check that is simply money you earned the previous year but lent them interest-free. Prebate check every month keeping even with the poverty line for all taxes you would pay on the necessities of life. The more you spend, the more taxes you pay. People who avoid paying income tax (those who receive 'under the table' pay, drug dealers, and very rich people with very good accountants and lawyers) would begin really contributing to our economy, recapturing billions of untaxed dollars currently lost to criminal and offshore businesses. You choose when and how much tax you would pay every time you choose to spend your hard-earned money. The governement would not get a chance to get their hands on your paycheck before you even get to see it- you take home every dime you work for, since the income tax, social security tax, and medicare taxes among others, are no longer automatically taken from you. This won't change the fact that you pay taxes, it won't drastically change how much you pay, it will affect how you pay taxes, replacing over sixty thousand pages of IRS rules and regulations with a tax reform bill that is 133 pages long and much easier to read and understand. I think this is a brilliant idea, long overdue, and with enough support it can go from being an idea to reality. Take a look and see if you don't agree.
I like listening to Neil Boortz and have heard his points on fair tax. Him and Phil Valentine (I think Phil is local though) are my favorite radio hosts. I agree with him on this issue, but I think him and John Linder is facing an uphill battle. For any meaningfull reform to be passed he'd have to first deport all lobbiests to Antartica, and then shoot half of the senate - starting with Ted Kennedy and Barbara Boxer. I volunteer to pull the trigger on ol' Ted!
I don't know if you get the G. Gordon Liddy radio show in Atlanta. While I think most of his commentary is right on the money, I still can't stand listening to him. His voice just simply irritates me.
That's an amazing idea. I'd keep most of my paycheck and avoid sales tax by purchasing goodies on post. Win-win... I bet we'd see a rise in Coast Guard enlistments. (Yeah, they're military too... technically) We need more people like you in politics. Ever think about running for congress?
Yes, I see it now - Senator Amanda. Everyone bow down and fear her! I'll move back at GA just to vote for you if you promise to trip Barbara Boxer or Ted Kennedy as they walk up the capitol steps.
Here, here! And put Lisa in office in TN so she can turn the lobbyists into human popsicles. Yay for us!
The FairTax should have no problem passing as long as people can get educated about it. Where we'll run into problems is when the socialist Dems convince the lower class that it will hurt rather than help them. That's their strong hold, since without a lower class there can be no upper class. It sucks that being poor is equated with being stupid.
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