Divine Secrets of the Blog-Blog Sisterhood

the not-very-official blog of the sisters formerly known as rosche

Saturday, January 07, 2006

The Chillins are Gone

Adrian is on the plane, probably halfway to California now. How the house can suddenly seem so empty with Daniel and Lea Anna still roaming around, I do not know. The are definately loud enough. This was the best Christmas I have ever had. Besides having all my kids with me again, we all had a great time in GA last week and I enjoyed seeing you all again. BTW, we keep meaning to thank you all personally but I am scattered brained and keep forgetting to pick up the phone or write a letter, but thank you very much for your hospitality and the gifts. They were unexpected but very much enjoyed by all of us. Gary also said "Thank You" for the cool knife and movie. Now that we have an extra DVD player in the family room we'll get to sit down and watch it soon.

Ode to a dead coffee cup
Oh my ceramic mug, once so white and bright
You took a ride atop my minivan tonight
Strewn across the blacktop,
your journey was not far (.8 miles to be exact)
Smashed into a million pieces
Then ran over by another car

There goes my last freaking decent coffee cup, may it rest in peace.


Blogger Teresa said...

First of all, your poem was inspirational. I wish I'd known you were down to one good mug...I've no doubt there are at least a few good ones in boxes in the garage, plus a few more I really don't need upstairs. Well, at least you have the travel mug with the Pleather® covering!

Man, it was too quiet after everyone left. You think I'm joking, but I'm not. Sara and KiKi were like, "Where are all of our people???" Sara was so upset she ralphed on the living room carpet not 30 minutes after you were gone. Then, as I was coming back with the necessary cleaning supplies to deal with that mess, I found that KiKi had peed about five feet away from the barf while I was out of the room. Swell. Thanks, ladies...sorry I let you down. Sorry your "public" had to leave. Go ahead and pee and barf all over the carpet - I understand!

So far, I have found only two things left behind: Star Wars action figures, property of Daniel-San. I will send them if we don't plan a Chattanooga trip soon.

When I went to put in my yoga DVD I found what I thought was Jazzy's "Pirates of the Carribbean" in the DVD player. But it didn't look scratchy enough (sorry, Jazz - it didn't!). And all of a sudden it dawned on me that I'd bought "Pirates" months ago - duh! If I had realized that we could have used that disc (which had been played maybe once and stored in its case) instead of the scratchy one that kept freezing. The kids apparently discovered the disc in the cabinet and watched it after our movie night, but were too polite to say anything about it.

Y'all come back any time. No sense wasting this big ol' house. Hopefully the furniture situation will change before too much longer but anyone willing to put up with camping out on an air mattress on the floor certainly deserves at least an open invitation and unlimited use of the coffee pot : )

So what movie did Gary receive? Shrek III?

Sun Jan 08, 05:09:00 PM 2006  
Blogger Teresa said...

Oh, and I forgot to say s p e c i f i c a l l y how good it was to have Jazzmin and Adrian here. Would have been nice to see David and Ryan, and if Gary and Charles could have come down, but what a treat to bring in 2006 with two of our West Coast bunch. You guys made it a lot more fun. That, and Suzanne's "Cha Cha Slide" made this the best New Year's Eve ever for me!

Sun Jan 08, 05:19:00 PM 2006  
Blogger Lisa said...

Well, what can I say, after reading Jazzy's saga of her beloved CD player it got me in the melodramatic mood. All is not lost though, I have three coffee mugs sitting in my cabinet at work. I just have to resort to something drastic like cleaning it out. My snazzy pleather covered travel mug is for exclusive use on my morning commutes.
Wow, I knew it would be quiet after we left but too bad the doggies didn't have a more civilized way of expressing thier grief. Thank goodness for carpet cleaner!
I wonder if either of the Star Wars figures are the top half of General Grievious. Daniel-San has been playing with just his legs the past couple of days. It's kind of pitiful looking, but at least it doesn't deter him.
Oh yeah, we haven't watched Shrek lately. It's much worse. The Care Bears movie has been playing almost non-stop for the past three days.

Sun Jan 08, 07:23:00 PM 2006  
Blogger Teresa said...

I'm sorry to disappoint Adrian and admit that I don't know which characters these action figures are. But they aren't missing any parts.

I like the Care Bears! Is it true, though, that they've "updated" them in a way that is particularly unBEARable? (sorry - I had to!)

Mon Jan 09, 03:51:00 AM 2006  

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