Divine Secrets of the Blog-Blog Sisterhood

the not-very-official blog of the sisters formerly known as rosche

Friday, February 10, 2006

Nashville Noooz

A Tennessean made the "News of the Weird" for the second time this year. This time it was some one from Memphis (no surprise there - Memphis is FULL of material for these news paper guys). Anyway, back in December this dumb broad charged with hiring a hit man to help her snuff out four people so she could steal what she thought was a block of cocaine. It was queso fresco cheese that she had spotted on an table at an acquaintance's house! Okay, maybe crack doesn't always kill, but it sure doesn't bring out the best - or the brightest in us.

And since I'm rambling on about other insignificant things - here's another item I would like to add:

The Top People That Should be Obliterated From the Face of the Earth
Please just stop gving them air time, PLEASE!

1. The ACLU
2. New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin
3. Ophelia Ford (you may not have heard of her outside of TN but this "elected" official is a doozy)
4. Jessica Simpson
5. Brittney Spears

So What's going on in Y'all's neck of the woods?


Blogger Jonna said...

What's going on? Not much really. Chela and I just went to Mcdonalds. Thankgod I had a coupon, so we both ate a good meal for six dollars. Then we window shoppped at Kmart. I am starting a new semestre of school, my last, then I hope to take a few vocational classes and or join the work force to discover my passion.(My passion in terms of work, I already found my life's passion) Chela wants to say something:"Today I had fun. My Grandma came back from the store.I want to say hi to Daniel, Auntie Teresa, and Auntie suzy,and Lisa too. I am doing good in school. We made things out of hearts at school. Mine was a dog. "

Sat Feb 11, 02:44:00 PM 2006  
Blogger Teresa said...

I wonder if Ophelia Ford is related to Cynthia McKinney...

Sun Feb 12, 05:39:00 AM 2006  
Blogger Lisa said...

Okay Adrian, maybe not obliterated. Maybe an just an ongoing case of acute laryngitis.

Oh lord, Ophelia could be McKinneys kissing cousins. I thought Memphis was the only city dumb enough to elect these whackos.

Sun Feb 12, 02:31:00 PM 2006  

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