Divine Secrets of the Blog-Blog Sisterhood

the not-very-official blog of the sisters formerly known as rosche

Saturday, February 11, 2006

This Is Hector

What happened today scarred me and I was gratefull to be alive here is wht happened...
I woke up at about four in the morning in "the van", which I recenttly started sleeping in. I got up to find grandpa making some rice. This was not normal rice this was, gasp, grandpa's special EVIL EGG RICE OF DOOM. For those of you who do not know me very much I HATE eggs if I can smell them, taste them, or feel their evil presence seep into my soul and this made me cringe. Grandpa may be trying to help us with the food but I HAD to get uot of there and quickly. I nervously looked for exit points but I couldn't find any. Slowly as to keep him from noticing me I ambled backwards and found my back against a wall. I turned my head and there it was- a door that I could make an escape. I rushed through, breathing hard, and made it to my room. I was safe- for the moment....


Blogger Teresa said...

Oh, MY!

That sounds almost as frightful as the brown bag lunches we took to school when we were kids, with Grandpa's Special "It's So Healthy You'll Choke On It and Die" bread!

Glad you escaped, Hector. Be careful out there!

Sat Feb 11, 05:32:00 PM 2006  
Blogger Lisa said...

I'm glad you escaped the evil egg rice too. You have to overlook Grandpa's taste buds -they are just not normal. The worse thing he ever made was these turkey burgers that had mint leaves in them.

Sun Feb 12, 04:25:00 AM 2006  
Blogger Jonna said...

Hey, the turkey-mint burgers were not so bad- I gave him the idea to make them.

Sun Feb 12, 10:18:00 AM 2006  
Blogger Teresa said...

I received this from Mom (a.k.a. "GramaBobSweatpants" a short while ago:

"Hi! I've messed it up good so I can't blog right now. I can only read it when I get the Bloglet thingy......so anyhow I am going to ask you a favor. Can you post the following for me re : Hectors post?

For once I have to stick up for Grandpa. The "Evil Egg Rice of Doom" was actually chicken fried rice, which is pretty normal.You're supposed to beat one egg into it which helps things stick together so you can eat it with chopsticks. The egg sort of disappears into the dish and becomes unnoticeable.Hector just can't stand eggs......however, he will eat Grandpas Evil Squash (gaggg) of Doom as if it were normal."

Sun Feb 12, 11:15:00 AM 2006  
Blogger Lisa said...

Ewww Jonna. Those things were horrible! They tasted like fermented donkey meat with mint leave. I don't know if I should ever forgive you for that. I thought you loved me.

Sun Feb 12, 02:14:00 PM 2006  

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