I've a zinger thrown at me yesterday evening that still has me scratching my head. Not a bad one, but it really makes me wonder about the mental capacity of both our educators and the whiny parents that think that the principal needs to be notified of such matters. Daniel's principle called yesterday (yes, on a Sunday) to speak to me about an "incident" involving "inappropriate comments" and the zero tolerance policy that took place last week. As it turns out the "incident" didn't even involve Daniel other than the fact that he was sitting next to another nine year old at lunch who (Gasp!) pointed his fingers at some of his fellow students saying "Bang! Bang!". Inappropriate comments? Oh lord, a little boy was playing Cowboys and Indians and now it's morphed into "inappropriate comments". It's amazing that they didn't put the school on lock down and call in the swat team!
On a lighter note, Lea Anna lost her first tooth yesterday. In reality we all know she does not believe in the tooth fairy, but she was going on and on about how the tooth fairy was going to leave a quarter under her pillow. Since she was so darn cute and her tooth was nice and shiny white I left her two quarters thinking she would be happy since it was twice what she was expecting. It did not provide the desired effect. She informed me this morning that "You know Mom, some kids get a dollar from the tooth fairy". Well, Yeah. And some kids don't use the last of Mommy's pomegranate body wash for their "frog farts" experiment either.
Labels: kids, stupidity, zero tolerance