Divine Secrets of the Blog-Blog Sisterhood
the not-very-official blog of the sisters formerly known as rosche
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Friday, January 30, 2009
Goinz On
I have been so bad about posting, I know. Sorry : ( There's been a lot going on but perhaps things will slow down a bit now that I'm all married and stuff!
I have posted pictures from our wedding on Facebook. If you want to see them but aren't on Facebook and don't want to be, e-mail me and I'll send you a link to them.
Not quite two weeks ago I had sinus surgery, which technically included a nose job (ha ha). They put me under, ripped all the crappy sinus tissue out and fixed my nose so it could actually drain if I get any congestion. And given that I have allergies and I live in Georgia, that's inevitable. Recovery has mostly been okay but breathing only from my mouth the first few days was the worst.
Brandon is now on the track team at his new school and they are wearing him out. Last night I went into his room around 8:30 and he was out cold. I can't wait to see him do his thing at a track meet.
Michelle is resisting the pressure to pick up an extracurricular activity of her own. It's not that she's unwilling, exactly. She just doesn't want to do anything athletic...or anything big sis Christina has done...or anything requiring coordination...or anything that might be considered uncool by her peers.
We have another foster dog in the house. His name is Cane and he is a good-looking 2.5 year old boy. Alas, he does not seem to be the brightest dog...but he sure is enthusiastic! He recently discovered the area under the deck, but it took him a while to figure out how to get out from under the deck. Standing at the back door and calling him just confused the poor boy. He'd go - still underneath the deck - to where you were calling him, which was at the opposite end from the opening. Cane never really raced. They let him try 15 times, but that apparently wasn't enough for him to figure out what he was supposed to do. He has his own blog, which I am (supposed to be) maintaining, so check him out if you like.
Labels: Brandon, Dogs, Greyhound, Michelle, Teresa
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Sheila in the snow
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Resolutions Were Made to be Broken
I've been back from TN for a little over a week. (It feels like longer. 0_0)
It was good to see mom again... Hopefully next year will be more eventful though, 'cause being stuck in the house was kinda lame.
Aunt Teresa, I'm sorry that I had to miss your wedding. I was HORIBBLY, UTTERLY bummed that we couldn't go (although it turned out that we COULD have...which was an even bigger burn)that I practically wallowed in disappointment for most of the rest of my time in TN. (Seriously... I did. :-( ) NEXT year, mom and I WILL be there though (even though it won't be for a wedding...*sigh*) because missing family get-togethers is LAME.
-Also, I have to send your x-mas presents via snail-mail now... DAMN I hate going to the post office...
*I'm happy to announce that I started the year off with an internship at a small film/production company called FormTV. (Yay!) I plan to be all up in their grill until I get a part or full-time job from them in the future.(If not, at least the experience will look good on my resume and I can obtain a similar job at a different company.)
*I exit JobCorpse (lol) Feb. 17th! I was nervous about it at first because my living situation/issues were a bit shaky, but I'm actually look forward to leaving... I'll be moving back in with Aunt Jonna and Grandpa temporarily.
I tried to find a roommate to move in with, but since I couldn't this is my only option. However, I'm gonna take Aunt Jonna's advice and try to find a roommate via internet because, although it'd be nice to see her, Adrian, and Hector more, the house is a bit crowded and I need a place closer to work and school. (I'm not trying to bust a 2.5-3 hour commute all the time like Adrian does... I already had to put up with that bull**** when I worked at Joann's and it SUCKS.)
*School has become...a bit complicated for me. Not hard and unbearable...just complicated. I'm one semester away from completing my Graphic Design requirements, but now that I'm almost done, I'm not 100% it's what I want to major in when I go to a 4year. Since I wont have Job Corps to answer too anymore, I'll finally be able to explore other potential majors...which I find exciting, especially since I have all of my General Ed crap out of the way and can just do stuff for fun. I'll probably end up in Junior College for another year or two, but I'd rather take the time to explore my options than do my "soul searching" at a 4year and change my major a bunch of times because that would end up costing be butt-loads of dinero.
In Fall 2009, I'll be enrolling in El Camino college and taking Fashion Design (which I never knew they had... I don't know why LACC doesn't have it!)
*Although I hate slangin' pizzas for a living, I'm obviously stuck with this job for a while longer. *sigh.* I will still continue looking for other part-time employment that is flexable and will put up with my freaky hair colors. 0_0
*Lastly: After putting a lot of thought into the "make your own online business" thing ('cause more people than expected keep suggesting it). I have already cut out some patterns for stuff to sell. I'm gonna start of with hoodies (yeah...I can make those. I'm awesome.) 'n' stuff since it's winter... When I have more time, I'll tackle things like pants and shorts ('cause DAMN they take forever to make).
Other Goals for '09: 1.)Finish my friend, Brigitte's, Luigi dress-I got the top part done... I just need to sew in buttons (which I hate) and finish the skirt (pleats scare me). 2.) Find and affordable room for rent...somewhere that doesn't suck. 3.) Find a productive way to curb my fabric, craft, and movie-buying addiction...s. 4.) I have 4 large bags of fabric and craft stuff. Damnit, I'm gonna make something...s out of all that crap!
2009 Shopping List: iBook with Adobe programs (to work on portfolio's), iPod ('cause I miss having one, damnit!), more of Terry Pratchett's books ('cause I need to read more), a new DVD player ('cause mine is a NAZI and will only play X2, Stardust, and Perfect Creature and I wanna watch more than three damn movies!), my own table that is the proper heigh for sewing (because coffe tables are too low for me to sew or do any kind of work on and I don't want a hunch), and 20-eyelet Doc Martens (though I'll be happy to settle for a cheaper, knock-off).
HAPPY 2009 EVERYBODY! MAY THIS YEAR BE BETTER THAN 2008 (which wasn't really so horrible, except for the job market)!!!!!
Labels: family, life, resolutions, school