Latest Goodlettsville Non-Events
Nothing much is going on around here. Just the usual work stuff and Mom stuff. We had a car wash Friday at my work. We are having series of fund raisers to raise money to buy back packs and supplies for 350 kindergartners in a couple of inner city schools. These poor kids parents have nothing, so you know the kids don't have squat. We raised $631 dollars in just 3 hours at five dollars a pop. It was fun, but I sure was wore out. I was one of only two people who did not wear shorts. They will never see me in them either until I get a tan. In other words, when Hell freezes over.
I had to lock the refrigerator again because I could not Lea Anna out of it. Right now she is running up my water bill playing in the kitchen sink. At least I have the destruction confined to one area. Her latest thing is she wants me to pack a "bag lunch" just like her big brother. It don't seem to matter what I give her. As long as it comes in a brown paper bag she is a happy camper.
I've finally gone two consecutive days without having to watch "Monster Jams" - a DVD about monster trucks, with Daniel. I must have seen it 500 times. It's not as trashy as the movie Spice World Jazzmin forced me to sit through a few years ago, but at least that was in the theater so I only had to watch that once. We got a TV in the family room to now. If I run across a cheap DVD I may buy it just so I don't have to subject the rest of the family to his torture. I hid his Monster Jams for a few days, but I couldn't stand him rifling through everything trying to find it. It was driving me crazy. He went on a field trip today to the Country Music Hall of Fame. He was amazed at all the music you could play on the "things that looked like CD's". He lost his second baby tooth the other day. He didn't put it under his pillow last night though. I told him not too long ago that the tooth fairy would give him tooth paste and a tooth brush instead of a dollar if his tooth was not shiny white.