Carjacked! (Well, almost...)
Yesterday, I was following my boss through Charlotte when we got stuck at a red light. Next thing I know, I see a guy on the sidewalk near me trying to look at my car without looking like he was looking at my car (are ya still with me?) I'm wearing sunglasses, so I keep my eye on him, thinking *great, I hate coming all the way down here and now this guy is gonna go and do something STUPID*. Sure enough, he walks in front of my car and up to my door and I'm thinking I'm about to floor it, hop the curb onto the sidewalk to my right and cut beside my boss to make a way illegal turn. Just then, the light turns green, my boss guns it and I'm right there behind her. Not a second later she's on the phone going *OH MY GOD, I SAW EVERYTHING, THAT WAS SOOOO SCARY* and I'm all like *OH MY GOD, I THINK I'M ABOUT TO HAVE A HEART ATTACK*. So, needless to say, I hate Charlotte. The rest of the drive back up to the office I kept hearing the new report stating that all crime rates have dropped in the QC except vehicle theft & break-ins. Yeah, duh, I figured that one out first hand. Needless to say, this weekend I'm getting a gun and enrolling in the class to get my concealed weapons permit...
Labels: Amanda, Carjacking, Charlotte, gun ownership, north carolina