Divine Secrets of the Blog-Blog Sisterhood
the not-very-official blog of the sisters formerly known as rosche
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Lea Anna's Ready
Lea Anna came running out to the car as soon as I shut the engine off. "Mommy guess what - We only have TWO MORE DAYS till Chattanooga! And I got lots of panties packed!" Her little pink suitcase was stuffed full of underwear and under shirts. I'm not sure how this all fits in with the grand scheme of things since I have repeatedly told her we are only taking a day trip, but what the heck - she's ready!
Labels: Chatanooga, Lea Anna, Packing
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Chattanooga Rendezvous Details
Y'all ready for Chattanooga? I'll be updating this post if there are any new/changed details, so check here for the latest.
First off is the weather. This being the South it could change every five minutes but right now they're saying a slight chance of rain in the morning and sunny and high 80's after that. So bring your sunscreen. And bring your towel because you're going to be squeezing the little kiddies outta those fountains to cool off yourself.
Check Accuweather's Forecast for Chattanooga
Next, the meeting time: noon (ET, Lisa!) has worked well, so let's stick to that. Whoever gets there first should stake out a spot under a shady tree, then call one of the others and let 'em know where you are. If you feel like it's safe to leave your gear then you can head toward the fountains and wait on the stragglers : )
Most importantly, The Grub: I'm thinking we can organize a picnic pretty easily if the rest of you guys are interested. What I had in mind was each carload bringing some kind of sandwich/wrap/hearty salad/main meal - one for each person in your group but cut 'em in half. That way we can all can share the tasty eats everyone made (or had the Publix deli lady make if you're desperate). If each group will then also bring an accompaniment (fruit, veggies, chips, cookies) we should be all set. I can bring a big cooler full of ice water and some cups. And Janet and Amanda, who are riding with me and Suzanne, can just bring whatever drinks they think would be good for everyone and Suzanne and I can throw an extra sandwich into our coolers.
Sound good? If you're in, post here and also say what accompaniment you're going to bring so we don't get five bags of chips but no fruit or cookies!
Miz Bossy
Labels: chattanooga, family, fun
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Grand Funk Railroad
What a great show!
Unlike Little River Band, Grand Funk still has pretty much everything that made them rock all those years ago, plus the former lead singer of .38 Special (he's been with them quite a while, from what I understand). The drummer's got to be pushing 60 but he's still a wild man. Well, perhaps some of his edge is gone - Brian said he used to jump out onto the stage over his drum set, and we didn't get that last night. But it was a good rockin' show. Don't know who Grand Funk is? I bet even the youngest of you would recognize "Some Kind of Wonderful" if you heard it.
The opening act - Bobby Yang and His Unrivaled Players - TOTALLY rocked. This guy is a classically trained violinist of immense talent, and what he loves doing with that ability is jamming to the songs of Led Zep and other rockers. His backing band is awesome, too. Christopher was instrumental (ha ha) in booking him for this show. Bobby Yang is from Atlanta and has a bunch of upcoming tour dates near just about anyone reading this.
Angela's sister, Mona, and Mona's husband, Ken, were there. We met up with them after the show, and Ken asked how David was doing. Ken had an Army career many moons ago and has had a special affection for David even before David enlisted. He said, "Tell that boy I think the world of him." His words were a little slurred because it was after the show and Ken always brings a 12-pack, but he was sincere.
The only down side to the show was the incredibly obese - and unbelievably rude - man Angela was sitting next to. He really needed to have purchased two seats - he was spilling out of his and into hers. He had the nerve to ask her to move over, and she replied, "Where to?" He said, "You're touching me!" Then, after she told him something like she wouldn't be touching him if he wasn't so large, he switched seats with his wife, who was kind of big herself. Both sat like statues - very big ones - through the jamming Bobby Yang and the rocking Grand Funk Railroad. Having fun burns calories, people : O
Labels: Angela, Brandon, Brian, Christopher, Mable House, music, Teresa
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Sunday, June 17, 2007
30 June - Head for Chattanooga!

Suzanne and Caitlin are coming. Amanda will head down from NC and ride with them. Lisa will be coming as long as her car holds out or Gary can fix it (everyone cross your fingers!). I will be checking with Janet to see if she wants to ride up with me, and Michelle will be joining us in Chattanooga when her friend Emily's mom drops her off after a couple of weeks of hanging out in Lisa's neck of the woods (Emily's family just moved to the Nashville area from these parts).
So, what do y'all think about doing Coolidge Park again? The place with the fountains and carousel? There seemed to be a variety of places to hang out and things to do around there, and we had fun last time. If you have any other ideas let's hear 'em this week so we can firm up a meeting place.
Labels: chattanooga, family, fun, Tennessee
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Saturday, June 09, 2007

Labels: Ice Cold Watermelon
Life Here In the Fast Lane
Gary and I aren’t up to anything new lately. We are still concentrating on our house hunt. I was told that buying your first home is one of the most stressful times in your life. I think much of my house stress comes from the realtor who for some reason known only to her keeps sending me listings in the ‘hood. No way, not with kids. I wouldn’t put a dog in Jere Baxter Middle or Stratford High. They’re about to be taken over by the state for consistently being a failing school, and the surrounding schools are not much better - not to mention the crime rate is significantly high.
Week two of Daniel’s summer vacation has passed and so far I have kept him from breaking any bones or spilling any remarkable amounts of blood. He did get a tick bite the other day and luckily only a minor rash from poison ivy. I consider it pay back since He is specifically forbidden from playing in the wooded area next door, but I have to force myself to calm down and not look at his tick bite or check his temperature every two seconds for signs of infection. No wonder I have all this gray hair! Lea Anna loves having him home all the time. Typical of siblings they spend half the time hanging out like two peas in a pod and the other half fighting like cats and dogs. I taught Lea Anna a few of the clapping songs I remembered from back in the day. She loves these! Her favorites are "Miss Suzy" and "My Mother Your Mother".
There is a lot to that often repeated advice to “never shop on an empty stomach”. All because I
did not want to stop at McDonalds first - after all I’m on my way to buy food anyway and who knows what is really in those sausage McMuffins so this makes sense, right? Well anyway, I strolled on through the grocery store and hit the deli first (mistake number two) and suddenly it hit me. I was starving, everything looked good, and I just had to have it. Grand total - $ 139 buckaroos for mozzarella, sesame sticks, marinated artichoke hearts, baked wheat crackers, a boatload of TV dinners and God knows what else yet I still do not have enough meals to get me through the week. But I did get a Hershey bar, not that it made it past the parking lot.
Here’s some interesting info on the latest TN law about to be passed - they are making it a felony for anyone to “have their way” with animals. Not that I blame them ‘cause that is just plain G-R-O-S-S! But oh, just wait ‘till the rest of the press gets a hold of this. We were the butt of many TV and radio show jokes several years back when the legislature made it legal for Tennesseans to eat road kill. I think this all ties into the mystery of what’s in those McMuffins!
Friday, June 08, 2007
Rest in Peace Woody 1995 - 2007
Thursday, June 07, 2007
$11,000... I think I'd rather see what's behind door #2.
Today I was offered $11,000 to add another year onto my current enlistment to continue to serve my country and maintain my current Military Occupational Specialty and duty station... I respectfully slid my chair back, shook the man's hand, and said, "No thanks."
This is a lot of money, and the terms of the agreement aren't half bad either, but I couldn't bring myself to abandon my plans for a quick payoff. I am hoping to reclassify my MOS into something in the medical field, preferably an X-Ray Technician or Operating Room Specialist. I don't plan on staying enlisted for the duration of my career, but until I put some bars on my chest, I'll settle for something a bit more technical and challenging. I don't know if these jobs will offer as much of a bonus, but money, after all, cannot buy everything.
Speaking of money, I encourage all semi-capable individuals between the ages of 17 and 41 to consider a career in the United States Army. The Army life has many things to offer, and will introduce you to an extremely wide range of people and cultures. It is not, by any means, a way to get rich, but the training and experience you gain in this line of work will prepare you for anything life has to offer. The Army offers enlistment bonuses to many qualified applicants for a variety of Occupational Specialties, and as a token of my appreciation for your loyalty to your country, I will offer an additional $1,000 to anybody with the intestinal fortitude to take the oath of enlistment to become a soldier in the United States Army.
Labels: Army, Bonus, Cash, David, Money, MOS, Reenlist, SRB
Sunday, June 03, 2007
Specialist Wheeler, David, Male Type, One Each
After 26 months and some change, I finally got it! It's only another $150 or so a month, but now I'm one step away from being a noncommissioned officer, a leader of soldiers. After four months, I will become eligible to go to the promotion board (with a waiver) to earn my stripes. I came here as a private (E1) and I fully intend to leave this Godforsaken place a sergeant (E5).
Saturday, June 02, 2007
Happy Birthday Jazzmin

Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday dear Jazmin
Happy Birthday to Yoooooooooooooooooooou!
And many more………………
Jazzmin \j(a)-zz-min\ Variant of Jasmine (Also refers to a climbing plant with delicate fragrant flowers). Persian in origin means “gift from God”.
Jasmine has 34 variant forms: Ismenia, Jas, Jaslyn, Jaslynn, Jasmeen, Jasmin, Jasmina, Jasminda, Jasmyn, Jasmyne, Jassamayn, Jazan, Jazmin, Jazmine, Jazmon, Jazmyn, Jazmyne, Jazzmin, Jazzmine, Jazzmon, Jazzmyn, Jazzmynn, Jess, Jessamine, Jessamy, Jessamyn, Jessie, Jessimine, Jessimine, Yasmeen, Yasmin, Yasmina, Yasmine and Yasminia.
Other noted Jasmines:
Actress Jasmine Guy, author Jessamyn West; model Yasmeen Ghauri.