Happy Howloween
The fearsome pirate Black Bellamy...

And Dorothy, who is most definitely not in Kansas (and hates her hair!)...

Hope everyone has a happy Halloween and no one OD's on candy!
Labels: dog, Halloween, holidays, Teresa
the not-very-official blog of the sisters formerly known as rosche
The fearsome pirate Black Bellamy...
Labels: dog, Halloween, holidays, Teresa
Brian and I were talking last night about global warming, pollution, "draconian governmental regulation" (his phrase), hybrids and public transportation. It was a heartwarming conversation (for a couple of geeks, anyway).
Labels: Atlanta, opinions, Teresa
So we got this house, and now I have no time. I wake up early every morning, take care of the dogs, get coffee in me and get ready and then woosh I'm off to work. I work work work a lot of the time working through lunch, and then get off and battle traffic to the interstate. Not so bad once I get on the highway, but I still have 25 miles to drive back to the house once I'm off the surface streets. If I'm lucky I can go straight home, but a lot of the time I have to stop by the store for something important. Like coffee or creamer or dog food. You know, the basics. Then I get to take care of dinner. If Steve is in town I will cook real food, but when he's traveling the dogs get fed while I heat up my Lean Cuisine. That leaves me enough calories to enjoy some Starbucks ice cream (yum more coffee) or a cookie or whatever else I have in the house while I watch T.V. for about 15 minutes until I can no longer hold my eyes open and I have to take myself to bed. If it's a weekend I try to take care of stuff around the house, but I really dread having to leave because I feel like I never get to spend enough time here anyways and I don't like having to crate the dogs. We just got our first dining room table ever and now we are total freaks and must eat every meal there no matter how good T.V. is at the time. I actually ate breakfast this morning just to enjoy the fact that I am no longer having to hold my plate in my lap, eating with one hand and swatting at the dogs with the other. Neko now cries because he can't actually see the yummy goodness on our plates and he probably knows his days of getting scraps are coming to an end. Good thing, since he's turned in to quite a little butterball. Well, now it is 9 and I don't think I'll be able to stay awake much longer. I was really hoping to post pictures of the house, but I can't find my adapter for my SD card and there is no telling where it may be, so I can't get the pictures off my phone easily. Oh well, I will post again when I get a chance, maybe sometime in the next decade, and put pictures up then. I tell ya, I have no idea how you all do it with work and a house and dogs because there's just not enough hours in the day for me, or maybe just not enough coffee :)
Labels: what is the point of labels anyway?
[ my e-mail to Ruben ]
Labels: Jonna, kids, Mexico, Ruben
I had a few pretty nice plants in the front yard when I moved in. Hostas, mini sunflowers, and my favorite - four o'clocks. I didn't gripe when the sunflowers went south since they were nearing the end of their life span anyway. Then I walked out one morning and my hostas were chewed down to little nubs. I was only slightly disgruntled since they'll come back next year anyway. Now the creature got my four o'clocks. I didn't think anything would kill them. They are chewed down to the branches with only a few scraggly bitten up leaves remaining. Then I saw it - the evil grass hopper. I tried beaning it with a rock but this nasty little creature hops way better than I throw and is now chewing on the last remaining leaf of my marigold - another flower I thought you couldn't kill. There is also a few (or maybe a few hundred for all I know) of his cousins hanging around the backyard waiting for the spring planting. They got their little grasshopper bibs tucked under their chins and a knife and fork in each of their hands - just waiting for me to plant dinner for them. I don't care what it takes, Malathion, Agent Orange, an A-Bomb or what ever - you're going down you stupid grasshopper! Do you hear me?! Your days are numbered!
This LiveJournal post of a "conversation" between an owner and a dog hell-bent on doing what it pleases sent me into hysterical laughter and to the point of tears. My coworkers thought I'd completely lost my mind, I'm sure.
We (Brian, Michelle, Brandon & I) went to an animal farm of sorts as well this weekend. SummerWind Farm, to be exact, where we attended an annual gathering of something like 300+ Greyhounds and their owners. It was a lot of fun, but tiring. Brian judged the Greyhound contests for the second year in a row, and was licked and hugged by numerous doggies while trying to determine the best kisser and hugger. And for the second year in a row, Sara had the second-longest tail and Grayson was the second-or third-tallest (I forget).
Labels: Brandon, Brian, charity, dog, Greyhound, Michelle, Teresa
Greenbrier is a trip. It's like a modern version of Mayberry. One of our neighbors got raided last week for growing wacky tobaccy. I hadn't even had a clue this was going on as we had never even seen the guy, but I vaguely remember wondering about all the police ATV's I heard zooming around on his property at the time. Our local ice cream man zooms down the street to our end of the block instead of the usual slow crawl they do then jams on the break in front of our house before pulling into our driveway to chew the fat for ever and a dayafter he gets Lea Anna's dough then zooms back down the road to where ever else he goes on his route. I guess it's something you'd have to see to appreciate. Our mayor does not even have a high school diploma but is a self made man and a slickster who also appointed himself chief of the volunteer fire department and runs a local construction business. He was knocking on our door for donations just a couple of days after we moved in. Everyone I meet is some type of character. I love it here! I think I'll skip the "Plant Man's" house when we go trick-or-treating though. You never know what you'll get mixed in with the candy!