Divine Secrets of the Blog-Blog Sisterhood

the not-very-official blog of the sisters formerly known as rosche

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Wheela tha deela

Mood: blah. Mom and Brian and the kids went up to Michigan because his father was in the hospital, and unfortunately he passed away yesterday. That is very sad news, but it is good that I can stay here and take care of the puppies (all 5 of them!) while they are away.
Yesterday, Zipper "got his thing cut" as Angela would say (that means neutered), and he doesn't seem to mind a bit. Haven't really seen much of a change in his behavior, so I don't know if that is a blessing or a curse.
In other news, I start my new job Monday, in staffing, close to home, with nice pay. I am excited and I hope I will like it.
I guess that catches everyone up on what's going on here in Georgia, so I leave you with a picture:
see more dog pictures">

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Shank you with a cheeseburger!!

This week has gotten off to quite an interesting start...

(Warning: Wall of text incoming)
**You guys will need to use your imagination when it comes to the bloits, blits, blarts, etc.

On Sunday I had to cut work because I was having a foot problem and I kept losing my balance on even minor slopes. So I ended up visiting Harbor UCLA where they promptly set me down in the waiting room. I ended up waiting for FIVE BLOITIN HOURS! At the time it was about 10:30 so I ended up having to head to the bus stop cause if I kept sitting in that cursed waiting room I would've missed another day of work and my ass would've been canned. So I proceeded out to the bus stop only to find it infested with ROACHES! For those of you who don't know, I have a pretty bad phobia of cockroaches and under normal circumstances I would've probably stood shaking in fear and pacing away from those tiny terrors. But today, I was Blitted off, my foot still hurt, and I was hungry (What that had to do with anything I don't really know) and I used my repressed anger and my size 15 shoes to wipe those bloits off of the face of the harbor UCLA bus stop! What began as a hospital visit ended with a 30 minute massacre of vermin that left Dozens of roaches dead :)

After I realized that the bus had stopped running I began the long 12ish mile walk home. I stopped at a weinerschnitzel and got my dinner there and tossed most of it away after realizing I didn't like weinerschnitzel. After abut an hour I arrived near the del amo mall on Hawthorne and Torrance blvd. However I took a shortcut through a backstreet because it curved around a bit and would've knocked 5-10 minutes offa my trip. The road was poorly lit and flanked by various trucker related buisinesses and towards the end it made a sharp left and there was a big oil plant.

As I began moving down this long lonely road I saw a cat up ahead running away. I didnt really think anything of it so I just kept walking, and as I moved forward I saw another cat bookin it away. This sight repeated itself a couple more times and each time I didnt think anything unusual was happening. Then I started to arrive where the road turned. I saw the cats clumped together near a bush about 20 feet away. I stopped and saw them doing an odd swaying motion. I moved closer to try and see what they were doing and I immediately stopped once I realized the terrifying truth...they weren't cats at all. They were SKUNKS!!!!!!! A mere 11 feet away from me were 3 skunk Blarts waving at me and a fourth was coming to reinforce them with its funk! In less than a tenth of a second I was on the other side of the road. I walked away quickly fearing for my hygiene till I was forced to stop.

The road ahead was long, and completely unlit. On each side were areas that some random skunk could be hiding. I thought the risk too great so I began to turn back when I heard the pills in my pocket shake. They made a loud sound each time I took a step so I took them out my pocket and began shaking them like a madman as I moved slowly into the darkness hoping to scare any skunks away before they were in range to skunkify me. After about 10 minutes I emerged into a well lit civilized and skunk free area. It took another hour before I finally reached home and this dramatic oddessey was ended.

The next day at work began as it did normally but then one of our new hires began being bothering me. She kept poking at me when I didnt hit the close check button to print out the checks before the customers payed. Once the customers left I told her to stop poking me or I'd shank her with a cheeseburger. She looked at me like I was insane, which isn't unusual when one says a really random comment like that, but that triggered a long conversation with my lead Wilson about how you would in theory essentially shank someone with a cheeseburger. On the show myth busters they did an episode where they used 300mph winds to shoot straw into a palm tree. The straw went in about 3 inches so I've been trying to figure out how much force would be needed to force a 1lb cheeseburger at that speed in about 2 feet before any forces can really act on it and tear it apart. Because of my poor physics skills I've yet to find that answer...

Also today I won an ebay bid with 7 seconds left for a super awesome Dell desktop.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

The Robinson Petting Zoo Continues

Another schmuck abandoned unwanted pets on our road. This is starting to be a common occurence here and I'd love to give them the beat down they deserve. So anyway, a poor little flea bitten scraped up kitten made her way to our yard and inspite of Gary and I not wanting another pet we made the mistake of looking at her. It's Gary's fault though - he was the first one to break down and feed her! Now Lea Anna named her Sarah and she follows Lea Anna around all day. Sheba don't know what to think of her, but she keeps trying to pin her down with her paw and lick the poor little thing to death. I suppose sooner or later a swat to the nose will cure that but for now I am introducing them to each other very carefully.

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Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Vacation Bible School

Sunday after we finished Relay Vacation Bible School started up. I did crafts as usual, this time alot of the stuff was prepackaged so I didn't have to do alot of cutting. The only problem we had is the fish ball we made only had one googley eye in the package ( I told the kids they could write to the company and I would send the letters). We tie dyed tshirts, made turtle fans, colored frisbees and survived. Caitlin did the teachers lounge ( a much needed retreat with real food), and she took about 200 pictures. The best part was the competition between the boys and girls offering, if the boys lost Melvin (one of the church members) got pied and if the girls lost Wynter (VBS director) got pied. Well the adults were giving kids money left and right to put in the offering, I heard someone put in a $50 for the girls. Melvin kept putting in money because just about everyone wanted him to be pied. Boys lost..Yeah!!! All in all it went very well no one got hurt, even when I found out the last pew isn't bolted down after I grabbed it while falling. Most everyone had left and I blamed it on the kid who I was trying to shove out of the way(he shouldn't have moved).

Relay for Life

Relay started at 6:00 pm Friday evening and ended 6:00pm Saturday evening. The picture on the left was my works booth (Kelly, Sharon, Jim (our Regional Manager), and Janie), we sold Italian sausage with onions and green peppers along with ice cold watermelon (30 of them before it was over). We sold biscuits and gravy Saturday morning. Janie and I were the Team Captains and were the only ones that stayed the night, but it was worth it just to see the Womanless Beauty Contest .

The first picture was worse in person, obscene but it had to take a whole lots of guts. The next was James, he does this every year and is a favorite. He is very involved with Relay and comes to all the planning meetings. We also sold 3 watermelons to him. The last picture is his crew.

These guys have to dance for the crowd and try and get tips from them. The group or individual with the most money wins. There was one who I think did it professionally, he was wearing women's underwear (you could see the lines) and he walked better than most women in heels.
This show almost makes the heat the next day worth it. For the last 3 hours all I could think of is shower....shower. It was all for a great cause and we raised almost $3,000.

Thursday, June 12, 2008


I've been TRYING REPEATEDLY to call the house, but NO ONE is answering the phone EVER.

I'm waiting on THREE important things in the mail and I NEED to know if they got there.

Also, Adrian and I are supposed to meet up, but I need to talk to him first.


Tuesday, June 10, 2008

First Tomato

You can't convince me a Roma is not a beautiful thing. I've been fighting grasshoppers & cicadas, now my garden is finally starting to make a comeback. Now if my peppers will get some blooms on them before it gets too hot we'll have the ultimate veggie of all - SALSA!

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Sunday, June 08, 2008

You gotta keep 'em sep-a-ra-ted...

Some of you may already be aware, but for those of you who don't know...
Steve and I are separating, and after one year we can divorce (per NC law).
We tried counseling twice, and after almost four years together, it's evident that it was just a bad match. Now I get to go through the humbling process of moving back home to live with Mom, and trying to find a job and get back on my feet.
I've been going through this for a while now, which is why I have not really posted in a long time. Hopefully I will be able to readjust quickly and find a place for me and my pups. Now quick, someone post something funny to take my mind off of this!!!


Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Dirbike Dan

Hey, by the end of the summer we won't have to mow the lawn anymore!

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My Next New Car

Super cool AND 300 mpg!

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Happy, Happy Birthday Jazzy Girl!

Birthday Cake
Originally uploaded by PinkCakeBox
I wish I could make you this cake for real, but ah cain't, so I'll just send you wishes for the happiest of birthdays.

Hope to see you before too much longer.

Monday, June 02, 2008

J'ai un B en Francais!!!

Je suis tres heureux!!! (That means "I am very happy!" Lol!)

I am SO STOKED that I passed that class this semester!

When I first took French I in Fall '07, I got an F. It was, of course, my fault because I put my job with Cirque first and didn't take the time to study.

This year, I studied MY A** off and I GOT A FRIGGIN' B!!!

YAY, FOR MOI! (Though "moi" actually means "mine in French... Just a fun fact for ya!)

FYI Though: I still suck at French conversation and I can't just start speaking the language off of the top of my head, so don't be a smart-alec and ask me to "Say something in French." (I still have a lot of trouble conjugating certain verbs 'n' what-not.) I'm just thankful I was able to memorize enough to pass the class.

Anywayz...yeah...I'm just SUPER ecstatic because going from an F to a B is pretty amazing to me. Now, my GPA is a step closer to being a 3.0. Pretty soon, I'll be on the honor roll. (Yay, again!)

Now I just have to bring up my grades in Economics and Political Science. (*SNORE!*)

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