Divine Secrets of the Blog-Blog Sisterhood

the not-very-official blog of the sisters formerly known as rosche

Monday, February 27, 2006

Political science

Today's class was interesting. One of the speakers on the video we saw talked about it being wrong to have a colorblind society. I agree. You have to notice someones race in order treat them with respect. You have to be aware of the difference in someones culture. Well, that was the main point of the night. I am taking poli Sci 5- ethnicity in the american political process. I am also taking a PE class come april. I officially put in my petition to graduate, so lets see what happens- if I dotted all my I's and crossed my T's it should go through. I dont know I always expect things to go wrong. I am not a pessimist- I am just used to preparing for the worst and hoping for the best as they say. They told me they would notify me in eight weeks if anything goes wrong. I must go now I am sleepy and it is Stargate Monday. Must Watch Show!

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Anniversary Stuff

I took Thurs & Fri off to spend extra time with the family since Friday is was Gary's birthday and our anniversary, and Saturday was Lea Anna's. When Lea Anna found out I was going to be off work she had my whole days planned for me, including breakfast (waffles) and mall trips. Well, it worked proving that she surpasses even Jazzmin in the con your Mamma department. She ended up getting her hair cut, nails painted, two rides on the carousel, lunch, an hour at the play place and numerous quarters fed into the helicopter ride. It was a lot of fun, but next time I'll take Daniel out. He's much cheaper. Our plans for a quiet anniversary lunch got tanked when my car over heated and Gary had to spend the afternoon fixing it. We ended up celebrating at Shoneys for dinner with the kids. Not exactly romantic, but the kids were good. I mean really good. BOTH of them! They didn't embarrass us even once and Daniel even chewed with his mouth closed and Lea Anna ate with utensils instead of her hands. This is a first since both of these little wild things were born. I don't care if it's just Shoneys -- I'll take it!

Weekly Review

Well this week was very average-ish but a few intersting things happened. On tuesday or wednesday crenshaw was put on lockdown because some guy on pcp walked into our school threatened some kid and assaulted a cop. I say he's on pcp because the cops were spraying pepperspray in his eyes and hitting him with nightsticks and that mother didn't even feel it so he HAD to have been on something. After school we were escorted out by armored police and there were like15 cop cars blocking the main street. The rest of the week went by normally just this saturday me, Jazzmin, and her freind Liz went to Amoeba. I bought a CKY cd Infiltrate-destroy-rebuild, and the Kovneants In the times before the light CD as well as Underworld DVD. Despite all the booty I got away with they STILL didn't have Hanzel und Gretyl's Ausgesflippt CD (sigh.) SO now that I've finished this blog thing I must get back to my newest obsession, conquering the galaxy and killing rebel scum in Star Wars Empire at war. Oh yea, and Happy birthday to Lea Anna!

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Happy Birthday Lea Anna

Lea Anna birthday is today, and I am thinking back to that wee little thing that has brightened my life for the past three years. I never would have predicted that time this sweet little thing would end up so wild. Oh, don't tell her that she is a big girl now though. She has told us quite firmly that "No, I'm not big! I'm a LITTLE girl! I don't want to be a big girl. I want to be LITTLE!" Okayyyy.... We had a nice little party for her and she did get a Barbie and a Polly doll among other things and as predicted Polly is naked and I already had to reattach her leg and torso. Amazingly both dollies hair is still intact. For now.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Here's a picture of Steve and I the night he got back from Iraq. Aren't we cute? That's his mom in the lower right hand corner pointing and yelling at him. I think he made some smart comment or something.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

The Sweet Smell of Tennessee

I don't think Pepe Le Pew got ran over after all. It must have been his cousin I saw splattered on the main road this fall, because my back yard has had the distinct smell of skunk. I dread going to my car tomorrow to go to work. I suppose calling out because of an extreme skunk paranoia isn't an option either. On the brighter side, I'll get to entertain myself in the morning (however briefly) watching my fellow coworkers get caught in our new handy dandy revolving doors. Lea Anna is a trip. She told my nephew that Santa was going to bring her a new Barbie for her birthday. Well, regardles of how the prized Barbie arrives, I'll give the poor dolly 10 minutes before her hair is ratted into a massive blond afro and she is stripped naked. I finally finished a Care Bears blanket that I had been working on for her and now the little imp is trying to talk me into a Care Bears pillow and Strawberry Short Cake blanket and pillow. The con is on!

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Meet Grayson

Grayson is the newest addition to the Wheeler house. He's about seven months older than Sara and stands a few inches taller than her. She loves him.

I don't think he's too sure about her yet, but we'll give him time. The previous home he lived in had a female that was even bossier and rougher than Sara (imagine that) so I think he's being cautious. He is okay with cats and small dogs, too, and is pretty sweet and laid back in general.

Even though he's Sara's age he didn't race as long as her (he raced in a higher grade, though) and was adopted almost four years ago. I suspect he was his former owners' baby boy until they had a real baby. Then he kind of got displaced and they didn't give him the same level of attention as before. He got sad and lost his appetite and then started marking on the baby's things. I guess that was the last straw for the couple. But neither I nor the woman who kept him for two weeks before he came here have had any problems with him.

Grayson was named after Dick Grayson, Batman's first sidekick, who concealed himself with the secret identity of Robin. His former owner was a comic book fanatic. I think it's a fine name, especially since Batman was my imaginary friend for a while as a child (I bet y'all didn't know he often ate dinner with us). His racing name was Black Bellamy, a name you may recognize if you're fond of pirate lore.

And what about KiKi? Well, KiKi's need for surgery is how Grayson came to be with us. Another adoption group volunteer (the woman I mentioned previously) had had Grayson for two weeks after his former owners turned him in. She also had a house with no steps. KiKi being a playful, crazy girl and needing to have toe surgery was not a good thing in this house, so we decided to trade. I miss her a lot, but she is doing really well and her foot - minus one toe - is healing well. She has other dogs that will play with her where she's at (Sara never would) so she is a happy camper. Unfortunately, the woman who has her already has three dogs she's taking care of by herself and she doesn't intend to adopt KiKi. So KiKi is still up for adoption. Now that some of the other people in the group have been around her and taken care of her they're realizing what a sweet, smart, goofy girl she is and not just seeing a dog that's had a rough life and maybe isn't the prettiest. She's pretty to me : )

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

must be a hearing impairment

Can someone please explain why you can talk to a man all day long, but he will never remember one thing you said? I ordered pizza for dinner, and Steve said he would go pick it up. I called, placed the order, handed him the cash for it, and gave him directions to the place. Five minutes later, he asked me if I placed the order yet. Seriously.

Monday, February 13, 2006

Evil Cupcake Haters

Metro-Davidson (and a few other area school districts) are considering banning birthday cupcakes in school. They want to encourage healthy eating habits in our children. Gee, I thought that was MY job. But anyway, birthday cupcakes?! Come on now, it's not like they are served in class everyday, or even as often as once a month. Give the poor little kids a break. They deserve an occasional treat. That slop they serve in the cafeteria has changed very little from when we were kids. BAH HUM BUG TO THEM ALL! Again I say BAH-FREAKING-HUM-BUG!

Sunday, February 12, 2006

More Exciting Stuff from TN

We have been under a Winter Storm Advisory since 6pm Friday. Just like our Atlanta neighbors, Nashvillians just do not deal well with even the slightest threat of snow. Every Schmuck decided to leave downtown Friday at the same time I did , turning a meager 16 mile commute into a nearly 2 hour ride home in an attempt to beat the impending storm, then they all proceeded to the nearest Kroger to wipe out the supply of bread, milk and toilet paper. I didn’t escape the parking lot madness either. Lea Anna was out of chocolate milk - which qualifies as a genuine crisis in our house, and even out small little neighborhood grocery store was a madhouse. Oh, and it did snow a little bit. It has been snowing off and on all weekend, but very lightly with almost no accumulation . Even I, the hard core snow hater can deal with it so I don’t see what all the fuss was about. I guess since no one in the state’s payroll was arrested in the past few days they had to put something on the news.
I’m making Salisbury steak for dinner. The good kind from scratch, not the prefab version from Banquet that tastes like something they scraped off the road. Too bad the booze store is closed on Sundays. It would taste really good with a splash of red wine in it. I have always thought the South has strange liquor laws. Attention Tennessee legislature - Jesus drunk WINE at the last supper, not Busch beer!
Lea Anna is becoming more articulate every day. This is typical of the many conversations I have been having with her this weekend:

Lea Anna - "Mommy, help me. My heart sticker is in the fish tank"
Me - "Why did you put your sticker in the fish tank?"
Lea Anna - "I didn't, it just fell out of my hand into the fish tank"
Me - "So you climb up on table, opened the lid, opened your hand, and the sticker just fell out of your hand into the fish tank?"
Lea Anna - "Yes"
Me - "Why were you playing in the fish tank?"
Lea Anna - "I love you Mommy!"

Saturday, February 11, 2006

back by popular demanda...

maybe there was no popular demand, but i'll just go on thinking i've been terribly missed anyhow...
i just got the internet again. i've tried to catch up on the last six months or so of the blog, but let's face it- that's a lot of reading and i'm pretty lazy. hope all is well with everyone nonetheless. if there is any exciting or earth-shaking news, please email me immediately so i can get back in the loop (i hate feeling left out)

This Is Hector

What happened today scarred me and I was gratefull to be alive here is wht happened...
I woke up at about four in the morning in "the van", which I recenttly started sleeping in. I got up to find grandpa making some rice. This was not normal rice this was, gasp, grandpa's special EVIL EGG RICE OF DOOM. For those of you who do not know me very much I HATE eggs if I can smell them, taste them, or feel their evil presence seep into my soul and this made me cringe. Grandpa may be trying to help us with the food but I HAD to get uot of there and quickly. I nervously looked for exit points but I couldn't find any. Slowly as to keep him from noticing me I ambled backwards and found my back against a wall. I turned my head and there it was- a door that I could make an escape. I rushed through, breathing hard, and made it to my room. I was safe- for the moment....

Friday, February 10, 2006

Nashville Noooz

A Tennessean made the "News of the Weird" for the second time this year. This time it was some one from Memphis (no surprise there - Memphis is FULL of material for these news paper guys). Anyway, back in December this dumb broad charged with hiring a hit man to help her snuff out four people so she could steal what she thought was a block of cocaine. It was queso fresco cheese that she had spotted on an table at an acquaintance's house! Okay, maybe crack doesn't always kill, but it sure doesn't bring out the best - or the brightest in us.

And since I'm rambling on about other insignificant things - here's another item I would like to add:

The Top People That Should be Obliterated From the Face of the Earth
Please just stop gving them air time, PLEASE!

1. The ACLU
2. New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin
3. Ophelia Ford (you may not have heard of her outside of TN but this "elected" official is a doozy)
4. Jessica Simpson
5. Brittney Spears

So What's going on in Y'all's neck of the woods?

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Oh, What Does Thee Futeure Hold 4 Moi?

I'm going to Job Corp. My counsilour (crap...did I spell that right?) said she's pretty sure she can start me Feb. 13th. I'll be studying Desktop Publishing...They'll probably send me to LA Trade Tech after a few months, since it's practically down the block from Job Corp.

Thurdsay I went on a tour of the campus. It's pretty cool. The have a recreation area called "The Huddle" and it's got a lot of stuff in it. There's 2 TVs (one has an X-Box and the other has a PS2), 2 pool tables, air hockey, 2 of those soccer games (you know, where you spin the handles 'n' stuff), a vending machine with candy, and 2 with coke products.

Despite their size, the dorms are pretty nice. I'm hoping I get in one with 3 beds because i don't really want to sleep in a bunk again. In the 3-bed rooms there's 2 metal armoirs and one closet...I want the metal armoir. They're bigger than the closet and look kinda cool (even though they're a weird shade of brown).

Dad also gave me his old laptop. (He got himself a new one.) It's pretty cool. I got wireless internet on it 'n' stuff. I even bought a webcam for it...just because I can. (And I've always wanted one...It beats taking pictures and developing or uploading them.) The coolest part about the laptop is that it has all those cool movie and photo editor programs I can play with.

For my first project I've decided to experiment with clay animation. It's looks really fun and until I can find real people to practice with it'll have to do. Besides, clay figures won't laugh and make stupid remarks when I say, "Quiet on the set!" or something.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Got A Question?

Ask A Ninja!!!

I happened upon this and thought it was so funny that everybody should see it. The best part about it is that the videos take awhile to load, so mom will be able to do her cooking and won't have to worry about burning anything. Yaaaay!!!
